When I try use the javascript method for including a chart on a page and use the "setDataURL" method as illustrated here:
<script language="JavaScript" src="/FusionCharts.js"></script>
<div id="chartdiv" align="center">FusionCharts.</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var chart = new FusionCharts("/charts/CandleStick.swf", "ChartId", "600", "400", "0", "0");
I have the following result... my script, data.php is invoked by the chart movie but when I look at the $_GET variables that are passed to it I only receive the first variable; "action=testcandlestick". The second variable "type=xml" is never passed. I have done extensive testing and the URL is being passed into the FusionCharts.js methods properly; however, once inside the SWF and the callback to retrieve the data the query string is truncated. I need to be able to pass a full URL request with the entire query string to the server in order to process the requested data for the chart -- has anybody else experienced this problem? Suggestions?