Browser, IE7. Version, Free.
Using PHP to craft the XML, I have a multiline chart.
The XML looks like:
<graph XAxisName='Issue' YAxisName='Counts' formatNumberScale='1' showValues='0' rotateNames='1'>
<category name="0828" />
<category name="0829" />
<category name="0830" />
<dataset seriesName="First">
<set value="1367" />
<set value="1459" />
<set value="1442" />
<dataset seriesName="Second">
<set value="1224" />
<set value="1318" />
<set value="1299" />
<dataset seriesName="Third">
<set value="2742" />
<set value="2859" />
<set value="2892" />
The call in the PHP looks lilke:
echo renderChart("FusionChartsFree/Charts/FCF_MSLine.swf", $strXML, "", "Counts", 640, 480);
My result isn't an error per se. I get the word Chart. Just like that, 'Chart.' XML appears valid, it's the only chart on the page I can make other charts work but this one refuses to cooperate.