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About Jools

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    Forum Newbie
  1. That worked indeed. Thanks!
  2. Hi guys, I'm using a legacy version of FusionCharts (1.1) and I have a small issue with stackedbar3d graph. I have one dataset with one set of value equal to 1.2 and my graph is displayed in a container representing 100%. What I get: 1.2 bar takes the entire length which makes it look like a value of 100%. What I would like: 1.2 taking 1.2% of available space. tl;dr How can I specify that values are relative to 100 so 1.2 appears as a tiny bar ? Here's my XML code: <?xml version="1.0"?> <chart defaultNumberScale="%" numberScaleValue="" numberScaleUnit="" outCnvBaseFontColor="000000" canvasbgColor="" canvasbgAlpha="" showCanvasBg="0" showCanvasBase="0" canvasBaseDepth="" canvasBgDepth="" divLineColor="FFF8DD" showLegend="0" caption="" xAxisName="" yAxisName="" numberPrefix="" showValues="0" showYAxisValues="0" numVDivLines="0" showAlternateVGridColor="0" AlternateVGridColor="" vdivLineColor="" baseFontColor="000000" toolTipBgColor="" toolTipBorderColor="" canvasBorderColor="" canvasBorderThickness="0" showPlotBorder="1" plotFillAlpha="100" imageSave="1" imageSaveURL="/assets/swf/FusionChartsSave.php" palette="2" shownames="0" showSum="0" decimals="1" useRoundEdges="1" legendBorderAlpha="0" adjustDiv="0" numDivLines="0" chartLeftMargin="0" chartRightMargin="0" chartTopMargin="-10" chartBottomMargin="0" bgAlpha="100" yGapLabel="50" bgColor="FFF8DD"> <categories> <category label="position 1"></category> </categories> <dataset seriesName="" color="7cc720" plotBorderColor="B1D1DC" showValues=""> <set value="1.2"></set> </dataset> </chart> Thanks! ps: please don't tell me to upgrade to 3.1!