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Everything posted by sirbanks

  1. Data in Multi Series Chart

    I am able to display my categories and data, however all my data lines up on the 0 point of the Y-axis instead of flowing across the chart. The categories align properly. Any ideas where to point me? I am reading the data in properly, I believe. Here is my code: strXML = strXML & "" After reading this in, I move to the next record and do it again until EOF. Any help is appreciated.
  2. Data in Multi Series Chart

    Nevermind, I got it. I realized my groupings were incorrect and when I grouped each area, categories, series1 and series2 it worked great. Thanks for the help.
  3. Data in Multi Series Chart

    Sorry for the late response. I was not certain where to get this, so I created the graph online and copied the source. It is attached, well the data portion is attached. Thanks for the help. graph dataXML.txt
  4. Data in Multi Series Chart

    Trying again. strXML = strXML & ""
  5. Data in Multi Series Chart

    I will try once more then quit for good. Sorry. strXML = strXML & ""