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About D

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    Forum Newbie
  1. You confirmed it. Thanks mate! Solution (classic asp): UTF-8 Header and response.binarywrite chrb(239) & chrb(187) & chrb(191) response.write strXMLData [code] Best Regards,
  2. Hi, We have a chart which displays Chinese characters. The following pseudo code displays the chinese characters correctly: strDataURL = test.xml (saved as utf-8 with utf-8 encoding specified in file). <PARAM NAME="FlashVars" value="&dataURL=<%=strDataURL%>"> The following pseudo code does not display the chinese characters correctly: strDataURL = test.asp (saved as utf-8, with utf-8 charset specified via response object, and retrieves xml/characters from database (hardcoded below)) <PARAM NAME="FlashVars" value="&dataURL=<%=strDataURL%>"> Example ASP (hardcoded) file content: <%@ Language=VBScript %> <%response.charset = "utf-8" %> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <chart bgcolor="DCEBDE" formatNumberScale="0" decimalPrecision="1" showPercentageValues="0" showNames="1" numberPrefix="" showValues="1" showPercentageInLabel="1" pieYScale="45" pieBorderAlpha="40" pieFillAlpha="70" pieSliceDepth="15" pieRadius="100" animation="1"> <set value="64455" name="???" color="005137" /> <set value="-64455" name="??" color="00CC8A" isSliced="1" /> </chart> I've searched the forums and I noticed a majority of responses point to the "BOM"; could this be the case here where there is probably no BOM mark when delivered from classic ASP? Is the above code possible? I have workarounds but this is eating me... As well, on the site where this ASP page resides we have code which detects the language settings of the browser; all requests sent by all chart .swf files are sent in EN, is there a way to overide this? Best Regards, D.