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About bomproapp

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Awesome!! Thanks so much Bindhu bomproapp
  2. Hi, For export chat, is it possible to hide menu for downloading image at the top right of the chart only for the browser which disable flash or iPhone, iPad? My purpose is to let user save the exported image only for the web browser which enabled flash. I tried to use exportShowMenuItem='0' which is not work because it always hide the menu. Please advise, thanks in advance. bomproapp
  3. Hi, I try to export image file on the server side by following this instruction I run my project on Grails application base on groovy language using gsp as view. All jar and js file I downloaded from FusionCharts_Evaluation version. What is my problem is: When I tested exporting as JPG image, after follow all instruction step, it seem to run fine but when I turn off my internet connection the browser try to redirect to url I tried to find this url in the source code and found that from the FusionCharts.HC.js file. Hence, I changed this url in this file to be my url-pattern which was set in the web.xml, localhost:8080/myProject/FCExporter, and retest again. This time what I get is statusMessage= Insufficient data. Width/height not provided.Background Color not specified. Taking White (FFFFFF) as default background color. statusCode=0 width=0 height=0 DOMId=null I tried to call my servlet directly from the browser with url localhost:8080/myProject/FCExporter it showed the same result above so I don't sure whether parameters is sent to my servlet or not but if I changed url back to, it's work fine. I've tried to find the problem and I found the post but no solution for this. Please advice Thanks in advance.