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About Rakesh.A

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Hi, I ran into a strange error mentioned below, while loading FusionCharts.js [i am using Fusion Maps API] file. Timestamp: 1/15/2013 3:52:27 PM Error: SyntaxError: missing ; before statement Source File: http://localhost:9090/.../maps/FusionCharts-ver-AF2F3DC0D64532CB2DCA4565E59D4AA3.js Line: 84, Column: 60 Source Code: .options.flashInstallerUrl="http:function({if(typeof b==="undefined")b=a.core.options.requiredFlashPlayerVersion;retur I am getting this error in all browsers [FF, IE9, Chrome], dont know how to fix it. [to give more infor, all Fusion Maps scripts and flash files are placed in one directory] Can someone point whats the mistake, and how to fix/debug it? Regards, Rakesh.A
  2. Hi, Thank you for the answer, Yes, the internal id was the problem. Regards, Rakesh.A
  3. Hi, I am using the below given java script to load europe map and wanted to make few countries click-able and provided the url using 'link' attribute. But this code doesn't seem to work those links are not working. I am using the trial version of fusion maps for development. <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- // fusion maps initialization var myMap = new FusionCharts( "resources/maps/FCMap_Europe.swf", "myMap", "750", "400", "0"); myMap.setJSONData({ "map": { "showshadow": "0", "showbevel": "0", "showcanvasborder": "0", "bordercolor": "FFFFFF", "bgAlpha": "0", "wmode": "transparent" }, "data": [ { "id": "IE", "value": "IE", "link": "http://localhost/mapTest/map/IE" }, { "id": "RU", "value": "RU", "link": "http://localhost/mapTest/map/RU" }, { "id": "ES", "value": "ES", "link": "http://localhost/mapTest/map/ES" } ] }); myMap.setTransparent(true); myMap.render("mapContainer"); // --> </script>