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Everything posted by Powderworks
I want do explode a 3D pie chart Here is my attempt that is not working Any ideas would be appreciated if (oRs.ReadData["RSurvey15"].ToString() == "P1") { (Labelcolor = "F16565F" isSliced="1") ;
My mistake I think I posted in the wrong Forum. I am not using the free version and the labelcolor does work
Getting a no data message I am sure I have got it wrong in the Code any suggestions would be helpful Here is the code public string GetFactorySummaryChartHtml() { //In this example, we show how to connect FusionCharts to a database. //For the sake of ease, we've used an Access database which is present in //../App_Data/FactoryDB.mdb. It just contains two tables, which are linked to each //other. //xmlData will be used to store the entire XML document generated StringBuilder xmlData = new StringBuilder(); //Generate the chart element xmlData.Append("<chart caption='' subCaption='OUTSTANDING RECOMMENDATIONS' pieSliceDepth='30' UseRoundEdges = '1' showBorder='0' useRoundEdges = '1' formatNumberScale='0' numberSuffix=''>"); //Create recordset to get details for the factories //string factoryQuery = " SELECT Count(Recommendations) as TotNo FROM recommendations WHERE Complete = "No" , Count(Recommendation) as TotYes FROM recommendations WHERE Complete = "Yes"" ; string factoryQuery = "SELECT location.LocationName, recommendations.Complete, Count(*) as TotQ FROM recommendations INNER JOIN inspection ON recommendations.InspectionID = inspection.InspectionID INNER JOIN location ON inspection.LocationID = location.LocationID GROUP BY recommendations.Complete,location.LocationName"; DbConn oRs = new DbConn(factoryQuery); //Iterate through each record while (oRs.ReadData.Read()) { String seriesName = " "; if (oRs.ReadData["Complete"].ToString() == "Complete") { seriesName = "Complete"; } if (oRs.ReadData["Complete"].ToString() == "Outstanding") { seriesName = " Outstanding"; } if (oRs.ReadData["Complete"].ToString() == "In Progress") { seriesName = "In Progress"; } if (oRs.ReadData["Complete"].ToString() == "Not Accepted") { seriesName = "Not Accepted"; } xmlData.AppendFormat("<set label='{0}' value='{1}' />", (oRs.ReadData["LocationName"].ToString()), oRs.ReadData["Complete"].ToString(), oRs.ReadData["TotQ"].ToString()); //xmlData.AppendFormat("<set label='{0}' value='{1}' />", oRs.ReadData["Complete"].ToString(), oRs.ReadData["TotQ"].ToString()); } oRs.ReadData.Close(); //Close chart element xmlData.Append("</chart>"); //Create the chart - Pie 3D Chart with data from xmlData return FusionCharts.RenderChart("FusionCharts/MSColumn2D.swf?noCache=112", "", xmlData.ToString(), "FactorySum3", "400", "400", false, false); }
Found the answer here http://docs.fusioncharts.com/charts/contents/guide-for-web-developers/csnet/CS_DB.html
Thanks for comming back to me . I have read the information I am taking data from a MS SQL database and cant see how you program the XML file Do you any examples of how to set up the XML file in ASP.net
I have a bar chart that displays the bars in alphabetical order after they are grouped from the database. Is there a way to change the order. I would like Low data to be the bottom bar I have attached an image
string factoryQuery = " SELECT complete, Count(*) as TotQ FROM recommendations INNER JOIN inspection ON recommendations.InspectionID = inspection.InspectionID INNER JOIN location ON inspection.LocationID = location.LocationID INNER JOIN UserLocations ON UserLocations.LocationID = location.LocationID WHERE (([userlocations].[userID] = @UserID))GROUP BY Complete"; How do I add a parameter to this for @UserID Appreciate any help
I am getting a invalid XML data error message Is there any way I can generate the XML data so that I can see the problem I am using this Code xmlData.Append( "<chart caption='' subCaption='OUTSTANDING RECOMMENDATIONS ' pieSliceDepth='30' showBorder='' showYAxisValues='0' formatNumberScale='0' numberSuffix=''>"); //Create recordset to get details for the factories //string factoryQuery = " SELECT Count(Recommendations) as TotNo FROM recommendations WHERE Complete = "No" , Count(Recommendation) as TotYes FROM recommendations WHERE Complete = "Yes"" ; string factoryQuery3 = "SELECT location.LocationName, recommendations.Complete, Count(*) as TotQ FROM recommendations INNER JOIN inspection ON recommendations.InspectionID = inspection.InspectionID INNER JOIN location ON inspection.LocationID = location.LocationID WHERE Complete ='Outstanding' GROUP BY recommendations.Complete,location.LocationName";
thanks I got the XML data as below but can't see what is causing Invalid XML is it the dash sign "-" I put the XX in <chart caption='' subCaption='OUTSTANDING RECOMMENDATIONS ' pieSliceDepth='30' showBorder='' showYAxisValues='0' formatNumberScale='0' numberSuffix=''> <set label='XX Food and Beverage' value='10' /> <set label='XX Garlic Bread' value='1' /> <set label='XX Stuff Bakery' value='4' /> <set label='XXJasol Australia - O'Connor' value='10' /> <set label=',XXasol Australia - Stapylton' value='10' /> <set label='XX Bakery' value='13' /> <set label='XX Castlemaine - Castlemaine' value='18' /> <set label='XXMauri Yeast - Camellia' value='12' /> <set label='XXMauri Yeast- Toowoomba' value='8' /> <set label='XX Top - Christchurch' value='13' /> <set label='XX Top Bakeries - Canning Vale' value='3' /> <set label='XX Bakeries - Chullora' value='12' /> <set label='XX Bakeries - Dry Creek' value='4' /> <set label='XX Taste' value='15' /> <set label=XX Milling - Enfield' value='5' /> <set label='XX Milling - North Melbourne' value='3' /> <set label='XX Milling - Northam' value='1' /> <set label=XX Milling - Wellington' value='7' /></chart>
Thanks I will give it a go
In a bat chart I have location names with number of recommendation If the location name has an & in it ie Jones & Son we get invalid xml data message Is there a work around
Where to you find the generated XML file on the server
Thanks for coming back to me This chart was working fine for three weeks as 154 records were added to the database The error occurred after the last 3 records were added Here is the complete Code for the chart public string GetFactorySummaryChartHtml(){ //In this example, we show how to connect FusionCharts to a database. //For the sake of ease, we've used an Access database which is present in //../App_Data/FactoryDB.mdb. It just contains two tables, which are linked to each //other. //xmlData will be used to store the entire XML document generated StringBuilder xmlData = new StringBuilder(); //Generate the chart elementxmlData.Append( "<chart caption='' subCaption='OUTSTANDING RECOMMENDATIONS ' pieSliceDepth='30' showBorder='' showYAxisValues='0' formatNumberScale='0' numberSuffix=''>"); //Create recordset to get details for the factories //string factoryQuery = " SELECT Count(Recommendations) as TotNo FROM recommendations WHERE Complete = "No" , Count(Recommendation) as TotYes FROM recommendations WHERE Complete = "Yes"" ; string factoryQuery3 = "SELECT location.LocationName, recommendations.Complete, Count(*) as TotQ FROM recommendations INNER JOIN inspection ON recommendations.InspectionID = inspection.InspectionID INNER JOIN location ON inspection.LocationID = location.LocationID WHERE Complete ='Outstanding' GROUP BY recommendations.Complete,location.LocationName"; DbConn oRs = new DbConn(factoryQuery3); //Iterate through each record while (oRs.ReadData.Read()){ xmlData.AppendFormat( "<set label='{0}' value='{1}' />", (oRs.ReadData["LocationName"].ToString()), oRs.ReadData["TotQ"].ToString()); //xmlData.AppendFormat("<set label='{0}' value='{1}' />", oRs.ReadData["Complete"].ToString(), oRs.ReadData["TotQ"].ToString());} oRs.ReadData.Close(); //Close chart elementxmlData.Append( "</chart>"); //Create the chart - Pie 3D Chart with data from xmlData return FusionCharts.RenderChart("FusionCharts/Bar2D.swf?noCache=5", "", xmlData.ToString(), "FactorySum3", "400", "150", false, false);}
How do I change the colors in a Column 2D Graph Thanks
Thanks for the prompt response I will give that a go
Having trouble getting two charts to display on the one page Here is the code You can see I have duplicated the GetFactorySummaryChartHtml() The first one displays but the second doesn't display public string GetFactorySummaryChartHtml(){ //In this example, we show how to connect FusionCharts to a database. //For the sake of ease, we've used an Access database which is present in //../App_Data/FactoryDB.mdb. It just contains two tables, which are linked to each //other. //xmlData will be used to store the entire XML document generated StringBuilder xmlData=new StringBuilder(); //Generate the chart elementxmlData.Append( "<chart caption='Recommendation Progress Report' subCaption='' pieSliceDepth='30' showBorder='1' formatNumberScale='0' numberSuffix=''>"); //Create recordset to get details for the factories //string factoryQuery = " SELECT Count(Recommendations) as TotNo FROM recommendations WHERE Complete = "No" , Count(Recommendation) as TotYes FROM recommendations WHERE Complete = "Yes"" ; string factoryQuery = " SELECT complete, Count(*) as TotQ FROM recommendations GROUP BY Complete"; DbConn oRs = new DbConn(factoryQuery); //Iterate through each record while (oRs.ReadData.Read()){ //Generate <set name='..' value='..' /> String lablecompleted = " "; if (oRs.ReadData["Complete"].ToString() == "Yes"){ lablecompleted = "Completed";} if (oRs.ReadData["Complete"].ToString() == "No"){ lablecompleted = " Not Completed";} xmlData.AppendFormat( "<set label='{0}' value='{1}' />", lablecompleted , oRs.ReadData["TotQ"].ToString()); //xmlData.AppendFormat("<set label='{0}' value='{1}' />", oRs.ReadData["Complete"].ToString(), oRs.ReadData["TotQ"].ToString());} oRs.ReadData.Close(); //Close chart elementxmlData.Append( "</chart>"); //Create the chart - Pie 3D Chart with data from xmlData return FusionCharts.RenderChart("../FusionCharts/Column3D.swf", "", xmlData.ToString(), "FactorySum", "400", "200", false, false);} public string GetFactorySummaryChartHtml2(){ //In this example, we show how to connect FusionCharts to a database. //For the sake of ease, we've used an Access database which is present in //../App_Data/FactoryDB.mdb. It just contains two tables, which are linked to each //other. //xmlData will be used to store the entire XML document generated StringBuilder xmlData = new StringBuilder(); //Generate the chart elementxmlData.Append( "<chart caption='Recommendation Progress Report' subCaption='' pieSliceDepth='30' showBorder='1' formatNumberScale='0' numberSuffix=''>"); //Create recordset to get details for the factories //string factoryQuery = " SELECT Count(Recommendations) as TotNo FROM recommendations WHERE Complete = "No" , Count(Recommendation) as TotYes FROM recommendations WHERE Complete = "Yes"" ; string factoryQuery = " SELECT complete, Count(*) as TotQ FROM recommendations GROUP BY Complete"; DbConn oRs = new DbConn(factoryQuery); //Iterate through each record while (oRs.ReadData.Read()){ //Generate <set name='..' value='..' /> String lablecompleted = " "; if (oRs.ReadData["Complete"].ToString() == "Yes"){ lablecompleted = "Completed";} if (oRs.ReadData["Complete"].ToString() == "No"){ lablecompleted = " Not Completed";} xmlData.AppendFormat( "<set label='{0}' value='{1}' />", lablecompleted, oRs.ReadData["TotQ"].ToString()); //xmlData.AppendFormat("<set label='{0}' value='{1}' />", oRs.ReadData["Complete"].ToString(), oRs.ReadData["TotQ"].ToString());} oRs.ReadData.Close(); //Close chart elementxmlData.Append( "</chart>"); //Create the chart - Pie 3D Chart with data from xmlData return FusionCharts.RenderChart("../FusionCharts/Column3D.swf", "", xmlData.ToString(), "FactorySum", "400", "200", false, false);}