Hello, I am experiencing a weird issue and it's that some connectors are not beign rendered, even if they are in the XML and the ids are correct.
Here is the XML
- <chart palette="0" enableLinks="1" xAxisMinValue="0" xAxisMaxValue="1024" yAxisMinValue="0" yAxisMaxValue="768" is3D="0" showFormBtn="0" viewMode="0">
- <dataset>
<set x="25" y="25" width="40" height="40" name="CORE - 10" color="00ff00" id="CORE" allowDrag="1" link="" />
<set x="66" y="25" width="40" height="40" name="CBFE - 4" color="00ff00" id="CBFE" allowDrag="1" link="" />
<set x="107" y="25" width="40" height="40" name="CMS - 4" color="00ff00" id="CMS" allowDrag="1" link="" />
<set x="148" y="25" width="40" height="40" name="COMS - 8" color="00ff00" id="COMS" allowDrag="1" link="" />
<set x="189" y="25" width="40" height="40" name="CBGI - 4" color="00ff00" id="CBGI" allowDrag="1" link="" />
<set x="230" y="25" width="40" height="40" name="CPS - 6" color="00ff00" id="CPS" allowDrag="1" link="" />
<set x="271" y="25" width="40" height="40" name="Traffic CP - 4" color="00ff00" id="TrafficCP" allowDrag="1" link="" />
<set x="312" y="25" width="40" height="40" name="ASPENCEDAR - 3" color="00ff00" id="ASPENCEDAR" allowDrag="1" link="" />
<set x="353" y="25" width="40" height="40" name="CRI - 5" color="00ff00" id="CRI" allowDrag="1" link="" />
<set x="394" y="25" width="40" height="40" name="CV/IA - 1" color="00ff00" id="CV/IA" allowDrag="1" link="" />
<set x="435" y="25" width="40" height="40" name="Cust Mgr - 2" color="00ff00" id="CustMgr" allowDrag="1" link="" />
<set x="476" y="25" width="40" height="40" name="CBE - 2" color="00ff00" id="CBE" allowDrag="1" link="" />
<set x="517" y="25" width="40" height="40" name="Con Recon - 1" color="00ff00" id="ConRecon" allowDrag="1" link="" />
<set x="558" y="25" width="40" height="40" name="CARS - 2" color="00ff00" id="CARS" allowDrag="1" link="" />
<set x="599" y="25" width="40" height="40" name="RevDoc - 3" color="00ff00" id="RevDoc" allowDrag="1" link="" />
<set x="640" y="25" width="40" height="40" name="CIS - 1" color="00ff00" id="CIS" allowDrag="1" link="" />
<set x="681" y="25" width="40" height="40" name="CMT - 1" color="00ff00" id="CMT" allowDrag="1" link="" />
<set x="722" y="25" width="40" height="40" name="Cust Ref - 1" color="00ff00" id="CustRef" allowDrag="1" link="" />
- <connectors>
<connector strength="0.5" label="Interface To" from="CBFE" to="ASPENCEDAR" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="1" arrowAtEnd="0" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Interface To" from="CRI" to="ASPENCEDAR" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="1" arrowAtEnd="0" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Interface To" from="CODA(EMEA)" to="CADENZA" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="1" arrowAtEnd="0" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Interface To" from="RevDoc" to="CARS" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="1" arrowAtEnd="0" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Interface To" from="CRCC" to="CART" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="1" arrowAtEnd="0" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Interface To" from="CMT" to="CBE" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="1" arrowAtEnd="0" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Interface To" from="ASPENCEDAR" to="CBFE" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="1" arrowAtEnd="0" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Interface To" from="CORE" to="CBFE" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="1" arrowAtEnd="0" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Interface To" from="CRI" to="CBGI" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="1" arrowAtEnd="0" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Interface To" from="CV/IA" to="CBGI" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="1" arrowAtEnd="0" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Interface To" from="CCTS" to="CCRSRS" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="1" arrowAtEnd="0" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Interface To" from="CommSHIP" to="CDMS" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="1" arrowAtEnd="0" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Interface To" from="CDSDS" to="CDPBK" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="1" arrowAtEnd="0" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Interface To" from="CDRDLVRY" to="CED" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="1" arrowAtEnd="0" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Interface To" from="CODAA/R" to="CEUBS" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="1" arrowAtEnd="0" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Interface To" from="CNR" to="Channel" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="1" arrowAtEnd="0" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Interface To" from="CustMgr" to="CIS" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="1" arrowAtEnd="0" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Interface To" from="CLIVE" to="CLIDS" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="1" arrowAtEnd="0" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Interface To" from="CORE" to="CMS" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="1" arrowAtEnd="0" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Parent Of" from="CORE" to="CMS" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="0" arrowAtEnd="1" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Interface To" from="CBFE" to="COMS" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="1" arrowAtEnd="0" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Interface To" from="CBGI" to="COMS" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="1" arrowAtEnd="0" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Interface To" from="CMS" to="COMS" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="1" arrowAtEnd="0" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Interface To" from="CORE" to="COMS" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="1" arrowAtEnd="0" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Interface To" from="CPS" to="COMS" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="1" arrowAtEnd="0" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Interface To" from="TrafficCP" to="COMS" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="1" arrowAtEnd="0" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Interface To" from="CBGI" to="CORE" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="1" arrowAtEnd="0" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Interface To" from="CMS" to="CORE" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="1" arrowAtEnd="0" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Interface To" from="COMS" to="CORE" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="1" arrowAtEnd="0" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Interface To" from="CPS" to="CORE" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="1" arrowAtEnd="0" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Interface To" from="TrafficCP" to="CORE" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="1" arrowAtEnd="0" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Interface To" from="COMS" to="CPS" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="1" arrowAtEnd="0" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Interface To" from="CORE" to="CPS" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="1" arrowAtEnd="0" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Interface To" from="CustMgr" to="CPS" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="1" arrowAtEnd="0" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Interface To" from="CMAPS" to="CRCC" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="1" arrowAtEnd="0" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Interface To" from="CARS" to="CRI" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="1" arrowAtEnd="0" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Interface To" from="CPS" to="CRI" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="1" arrowAtEnd="0" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Interface To" from="RevDoc" to="CRI" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="1" arrowAtEnd="0" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Parent Of" from="CPT" to="CRIT" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="0" arrowAtEnd="1" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Interface To" from="CPAY" to="CRMS" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="1" arrowAtEnd="0" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Parent Of" from="CPL" to="CSU" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="0" arrowAtEnd="1" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Interface To" from="RevDoc" to="CustRef" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="1" arrowAtEnd="0" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Parent Of" from="CCSCRIPT" to="Portfolio" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="0" arrowAtEnd="1" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Parent Of" from="CDRDLVRY" to="Portfolio" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="0" arrowAtEnd="1" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Parent Of" from="CUSTSRVC" to="Portfolio" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="0" arrowAtEnd="1" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Parent Of" from="DAL" to="Portfolio" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="0" arrowAtEnd="1" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Parent Of" from="SWOMCLC" to="Portfolio" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="0" arrowAtEnd="1" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Interface To" from="CBE" to="TrafficCP" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="1" arrowAtEnd="0" />
<connector strength="0.5" label="Interface To" from="ConRecon" to="TrafficCP" color="ff0000" arrowAtStart="1" arrowAtEnd="0" />
And for some unknown reason, the following realtionships are not being rendered
from: CMT to CBE
from: CBE to Traffic CP
from: Cars to CRI
from: CustRef to RevDoc
Can anybody give some highlight on this issue?