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Everything posted by jukas

  1. Hi, I'm searching for create a new map for using in "fusion map" with SVG technology. I'm drawing a series of maps for the internal zones of Piedmont a region in north of Italy. I'm exporting the maps from Adobe Illustrator in svg format for have the points that rappresent coordinates used by "fusion map" in the maps in JS format.When I export the files SVG the sintax of the points are different by the sintax for the points used by "fusion map". The question is: there is a method for convert a vectorial map into a series of points with the right sintax for "fusion map"?? Look at this example: Fusion map sintax for points in JS files [M,5058,858,Q,5056,850,5042,850,5041,850,5039,851,5005,887,4966,921,4956,929,4945,934,4936,938,4926,936,L,4919,938,Q,4911,940,4906,945,4901,952,4899,962,4895,986,4898,1008,4904,1042,4922,1065,4934,1079,4952,1078,4972,1076,4992,1081,5019,1087,5045,1085,5069,1084,5089,1069,5103,1059,5117,1051,5125,1046,5136,1046,5163,1047,5183,1039,L,5176,1031,Q,5174,1028,5172,1026,5170,1024,5167,1023,5163,1021,5161,1015,5158,1007,5156,1001,5155,999,5154,997,5152,993,5151,989,5154,980,5155,971,5155,970,5156,968,5157,965,5157,962,5159,956,5159,948,5159,934,5157,933,5151,930,5147,926,5139,917,5131,909,5122,898,5109,897,5097,897,5083,902,5082,902,5080,902,5073,899,5069,892,5063,882,5060,866,Q,5060,861,5058,858,Z] SVG format sintax for points :d="m 0,0 13.868,-253.286 -277.373,98.541 132.634,50.09 -79.35,184.217 88.036,64.47 L 112.408,93.43 214.597,16.788 0,0 z" Thanks a lot!!
  2. I Forgot to tell that I have the enterprise licence. In a forum discussion I found this post: ..., if you've the Enterprise license, you can build the maps yourself. We can send you such instructions. Thaks