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Everything posted by Miodrag

  1. How to save image from code

    Hello, I got problems with save images from code, in background, without user action: Do you have some instructions how to do it and when I should call function saveAsImage()? May I modify function saveAsImage(), for example with some arguments like saveAsImage(param)? May I create web page dynamically with these images without saving them on file systems? Regards, Miodrag
  2. Html code characters

    Hi, I got Invalid XML data message when my XML string contains & in RenderChart function with data xml parameter (not url xml). Thanks, Miodrag
  3. saveAsImage function

    Hi, Thanks for that. I think first thing will solve other. Thanks.
  4. saveAsImage function

    Yes, and I tried this form for saveAsImage, and I got errors: 1) For SaveAsImage on right click on chart, I got message: XML Parsing Error: not well-formed Location: file:///C:/.../FusionChartsSave.aspx Line Number 1, Column 2:<%@ Page Inherits="FusionChartsSave" Src="FusionChartsSave.cs" Debug="true" validateRequest="false" %> -^ 2) For click the button, I got message like: Not found/ Undefined saveAsImage() function. Does it mean I work with older version than 3.0.5? This functionality is only for charts, or not ??? What's with gadgets/widgets, for example ??? Regards, Miodrag
  5. Fusion Charts as 'Embedding a Chart Using JavaScript' doesn't work with absolute path, until Fusion Widgets/Gadgets does. I have used absolute path for xml data, charts and java script (FusionCharts.js) in both cases. How is it possible? Regards, Miodrag