Miguel Rebelo

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About Miguel Rebelo

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  1. Everything Works Great Except Ie8 Rendering.

    Ok. The problem here occurs because we are using JSF which generates identifiers with ":". As example, the following control in JSF: <h:inputText id="foo1" > is rendered as: <input id="j_id_jsp_115874224_691:table1:0:foo1" name="j_id_jsp_115874224_691:table1:0:foo1" /> Since we are using the identifier of the control to generate the charts identifiers we reached that problem. Maybe there are more people reporting this problem that are using the same pattern, that's why I posted here the solution. Thanks
  2. Everything Works Great Except Ie8 Rendering.

    Hi, I'm having the same problem here. Everything works fine except in IE8 standard mode. I tried the version FusionCharts XT(v3.2.2) SR4 (Released on 6th August, 2012) and the problem stills there. Although, I've been troubleshooting the problem since this is critical for us and I found that the problem (at least here) is related with the usage of charts identifiers containing ':'. I replaced every occurrence of that char by another one (e.g. '_') and the error disappeared. So, if you have in your code something like: var chart = new FusionCharts(CharType,"myPage:ChartId", Width, Height); try to replace it by: var chart = new FusionCharts(CharType,"myPage_ChartId", Width, Height); and see if it works fine. Could you please validate if this is a bug and fix it in the next release? Thanks