I'm having the same problem here. Everything works fine except in IE8 standard mode.
I tried the version FusionCharts XT(v3.2.2) SR4 (Released on 6th August, 2012) and the problem stills there.
Although, I've been troubleshooting the problem since this is critical for us and I found that the problem (at least here) is related with the usage of charts identifiers containing ':'. I replaced every occurrence of that char by another one (e.g. '_') and the error disappeared.
So, if you have in your code something like:
var chart = new FusionCharts(CharType,"myPage:ChartId", Width, Height);
try to replace it by:
var chart = new FusionCharts(CharType,"myPage_ChartId", Width, Height);
and see if it works fine.
Could you please validate if this is a bug and fix it in the next release?