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Everything posted by ChrisMcEvoy

  1. Make The Y-Axis Bold

    How do I make the font bold for the Y axis details?????
  2. Make The Y-Axis Bold

    It's okay I have sussed it out.. It is the 'DataValues' object!!! Thanks for your help
  3. Make The Y-Axis Bold

    Sumedh, So is there no way of making the values in the Chart bigger and bolder???? Chris
  4. Make The Y-Axis Bold

    Thanks Sumedh, that worked at treat!!! Tried to do the same for the XAXISVALUES but it did not work Have attached a sample. I want the font of the column totals to be bigger and bolder too. Any help appreciated. XAxis.rtf
  5. Make The Y-Axis Bold

    Hi that is great for the Y-Axis name but what I really need to change are the Axis Scale Values (see the red box in the attachment). and if possible the numbers above each coloured graph value. YAxis.rtf