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About sparacha

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Hi all, I am trying to add graphics to each node in the graph, and I haven't found an example or a trick that would allow me to do that. Plus, I am trying to add graphics to certain axis point. For example, if a display point on the y-axis is above, lets say, five hundred, I want to attach a custom background graphic based on our business needs. Please find an image attached of what I am trying to accomplish node_graphics.bmp
  2. I am trying to implement a dynamic target heart rate calculator chart, where the visible x-axis will be weight and the y-axis will be age. A hidden y-axis will be added and will reflect bmp(target heart rate). There will be two trend lines that will reflect the maximum and minimum bmp. Upon the user's entry of their age and weight, the chart would show a shaded region between the trend lines as the acceptable max and min bmp for the user, and that is where I am getting lost. How do I show the shaded region between two slanting trend lines? Is this possible? I am attaching an image of what I want to accomplish to this post, any and all help on this matter will be appreciated. target_heart_rate_chart.bmp