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About saikat

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  1. It is possible with FusionCharts v3.0.4. Please read the conversation about Scroll Bar Position at:
  2. can the charts have dual y axis

    Hi Shailen, Combination Charts support dual Y axis. You can get more details about Combination Charts in FusionCharts Online Documentation. You can also visit the FusionCharts Gallery for sample Combination Dual Y Axis charts:
  3. No data to display with same XML code

    It seems you typed chart_SalesByYear.setDataXML("xrDat.xml"); while using data url method. For data url method, you have to write chart_SalesByYear.setDataURL("xrDat.xml"); Also, make sure, the name of your XML file is similar to what you are using in the code (xrDat.xml)
  4. toolText and available variables

    set the value "toolTipSepChar" attribute as '-' inside the chart tag, e.g, <chart caption='My XML File' toolTipSepChar='-'> . . . </chart>