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About david.prout

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Hi, We're evaluating some chart libraries, including kendoui and FusionCharts. We've been very impressed with fusion charts, but have come across one issue so far. We're trying to achieve a column chart where 1 column is stacked, but the rest are not. We achieved this with kendoui using the following code: $("#mainVaChart").kendoChart ({ id: "mainVa", transitions: true, title: { text: "Breakdown of Costs" }, legend: { visible: true }, seriesDefaults: { type: "column", tooltip: strToolTip, label: {visible: true} }, series: [ { name: "Sales", data: [arData[0].sales], stack: "Sales" }, { name: "Internal Sales", data: [arData[0].intSales], stack: "Internal Sales" }, { name: "Purchases", data: [arData[0].purchases], stack: "Costs" }, { name: "Wages", data: [arData[0].wages], stack: "Costs" }, { name: "Overheads", data: [arData[0].overheads], stack: "Costs" } ] }); Which results in the attached screenshot and is exactly what we want. Is this possible in fusioncharts? If so, what's the best way of achieving it? Thanks.