I'm using a Zoomline chart in FusionCharts XT (3.2.2). The chart appears as expected when using the Flash version of the chart, but a couple of problems appear when using the Javascript/HTML5 version.
The first problem is that the anchorMinRenderDistance attribute doesn't appear to have any effect at all. In the Flash version, this causes the anchor markers to only appear when the user zooms in to show only a small number of points. In the Javascript version the anchors are always shown, which means the actual line is hidden by all the anchors at the default zoom level.
The second problem is that vtrendlines don't appear to work at all in the Javascript version of the Zoomline chart. In the Flash version we set up a vtrendline to appear as a vertical line at a specific point along the xaxis with a label at the top. In the Javascript version, the line isn't drawn.
I've included a sample of JSON data below which shows both problems. This JSON works correctly when used with the Flash version of Zoomline. In the Javascript version, the vtrendline isn't displayed and the anchor markers are always displayed.
Can anyone help figure out how to get these 2 problems fixed? Or are these known bugs in the Javascript version of Zoomline Charts?
JSON Data:
[font="Courier New"]{
"chart": {
"showvalues": "0",
"drawanchors": "1",
"anchorMinRenderDistance": "25",
"anchorRadius": "3",
"lineThickness": "2",
"showShadow": "0"
"categories": [
"category": [
{"label": "26/06/07"},
{"label": "03/07/07"},
{"label": "10/07/07"},
{"label": "17/07/07"},
{"label": "24/07/07"}
"dataset": [
"fundcode": "line1",
"seriesname": "line 1",
"data": [
{"value": "2"},
{"value": "-4"},
{"value": "-2"},
{"value": "0"},
{"value": "4"}
"fundcode": "line2",
"seriesname": "line 2",
"data": [
{"value": "16"},
{"value": "15"},
{"value": "14"},
{"value": "13"},
{"value": "12"}
"vtrendlines": {
"line": [
"startIndex": "3",
"displayAlways": "1",
"displayValue": "trendline",
"color": "AAAAAA",
"valueOnTop": "1"