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About rsivamanickam

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Hi all, I want to increase the charts width dynamically. Usually we give the size of the chart is var chart = new FusionCharts("FusionCharts/MSColumn2D.swf", "ChartId", "350", "300", "0", "0"); in xml part, dataset values added more in dynmically. so i want to increase the width of the chart also dynamically not in fixed width.
  2. Hi Team, In xml file we giving the link lin <dataset seriesName="Month"> <set value="986" link="http://localhost:8080/month/january.html"/> <set value="1523" link="http://localhost:8080/month/february.html"/> <set value="1440" link="http://localhost:8080/month/march.html"/> </dataset> is it? Can i have chance to give the link to struts action files like.. <dataset seriesName="Month"> <set value="986" link="http://localhost:8080/" /> <set value="1523" link="http://localhost:8080/" /> <set value="1440" link="http://localhost:8080/" /> </dataset> is it working? or shall i know the alternatives? Thanks
  3. Column Color

    Hi Team, Thanks for ur reply. The code is working fine. I'm wondering of your service and quick reply.
  4. Column Color

    Hi, Thanks for ur reply. May i know any javascript examples for this..
  5. Column Color

    Hi, I want to set the colors for Y axis values as condition based using the Bar 2D chart. for an example <chart chartRightMargin='30' numberSuffix='%'> <set label='January' value='46' /> <set label='February' value='85' /> <set label='March' value='67' /> <set label='April' value='49' /> <set label='May' value='76' /> <set label='June' value='96' /> <set label='July' value='62' /> <set label='August' value='62' /> <set label='September' value='37' /> <set label='October' value='49' /> <set label='November' value='76' /> <set label='December' value='96' /> </chart> The values between 0 - 25 - red color 26 -50 - yellow color 50 - 75 - Orange color 75 -100 - Green color. Can i need for this JavaScript or any other. Thanks, Maalan
  6. How to set the Y axis interval values

    Hi, The given xml code is working. Thanks a lot.
  7. How to set the Y axis interval values

    Hi, Thanks for your reply. I used that code. The interval working but it not in rounded that what i'm expected. For an eg; <chart palette='2' caption='This Weeks meals plan' xAxisName='Product' yAxisName='Value' showValues='1' formatNumberScale='0' useRoundEdges='1' numberSuffix='%' numDivLines='10' yAxisMaxValue='100' yAxisMinValue='0' adjustDiv='0' yAxisValueDecimals='0' > <set label='A' value='58.1' /> <set label='B' value='67.12' /> <set label='C' value='57.1' /> </chart> it shows the y axis intervals like 0%, 9%, 18%, 27%,.... 91% and 100% i expected the intervals like 0, 10, 20, 30 .... 90 and 100. apart from this i'm using large interval like 0 to 5000 and y axis interval is 500. how to i give the intervals. Thanks, Maalan.
  8. Hi All, We have the option to setting the 'Y' axis starting and Ending values to use . The fusion chart automatically divide the intervals like 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100. But i want to give the intervals as am like 0, 10, 20, 30... etc. Thanks, Maalan