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About jrunk

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    Forum Newbie
  1. works like a champ! thanks.
  2. Do you have any simple .jsp examples using the angular widgets and dataStreamURL for realtime data? There is still something missing from my code. Attached... FusionWidget.zip
  3. I updated the code and still cant seem to get it working with the setDataURL and streaming data. Attached is the code. I simplified the .jsp page and just hard-coded the value using:<%out.write("&value=100");%> FusionWidget.zip
  4. Thanks for taking a look. FusionWidget.zip
  5. I am unable to get the setDataURL working, so I thought I would try the setDataXML. The setDataXML is working for me manually, but I have to refresh the browser to receive the updated data. I'm calling the setDataXML function from a .jsp and just placing the variable into the dataStreamURL. Fro example: myChart.setDataXML(".....dataStreamURL='<%=dashboard_login_count_result%>' refreshInterval='5'" Am I missing something? As I said It's working, but only manually.