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About mjpuk

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    Forum Newbie
  1. How do I stop caching of the xml files?

    Ah, wonderful. I realised I had pasted an incorrect line of code into the FusionMaps.js, which I deleted. I then replaced the line of html with the one you posted. The system now works perfectly. Many thanks for your help and patience.
  2. How do I stop caching of the xml files?

    Edited: Corrected the code as I had not replaced the XML source path correctly. map.setDataURL(escape("globe.map.info.xml"+new Date().toGMTString())); Only one script error now: * 'chart1' not defined. I can't find where chart1 is mentioned in the html file. I'm using FusionMaps, not FusionCharts, so is there a section of the .js file I need to edit, perhaps? Edit2: The piece of javascript code I inserted into FusionMaps.js as per instructions earlier in this thread is as follows: chart1.setDataURL(escape("xmlfile.xml?currTime=" + getTimeForURL())); As I am using FM, not FC, there needs to be a modification to this code somewhere. If someone would kindly suggest suitable replacement code, I would be most grateful.
  3. How do I stop caching of the xml files?

    I get two errors: * 'chart1' is not defined. * 'myChart' is not defined. Thanks.
  4. How do I stop caching of the xml files?

    I have tried everything suggested in this post so far, using an html document I replaced the default .xml source line with the following: myChart.setDataURL(escape("XMLData/myStepsLineGraphXML.aspx?noCache="+new Date().toGMTString())); Which resulted in the following error message when I attempted to reload the page: "The map will replace this text. If any users do not have Flash Player 8 (or above), they'll see this message." I should probably point out that before I changed the code, the html document loaded fine, except for the fact that the xml was being cached when I did not want it to. As I mentioned in my previous post on the matter, I am not particularly knowledgable on javascript but I suspect the reason the html no longer works is due to the replacement of the static noCache value with one generated using code. I tried copying the javascript snippet from earlier in this thread into my FusionMaps.js file, which did not change the result. Any assistance in the above will be most gratefully received. -M
  5. XML - code to stop caching

    Hello. I was wondering if anyone had gotten the chance to look at this yet? It would be a big help to me. Thanks
  6. Selectively displaying countries

    I have tried that, but when the html subsequently attempts to load I get the single line error about a problem loading the data, and the map fails to load.
  7. I would like to have the world map appear with only certain country names visible. I have tried using the following code to give my countries aliases, as mentioned here:<entity internalId="01" newId="ANT" sName="" lName="" /> However, this causes the map to use the default sName and lName for each country. Ideally, I would like it so that tagged countries have their full name appear, and untagged countries have nothing unless they are hovered over by the mouse, which includes removing the label lines on smaller countries. Thanks in advance. -Matt
  8. XML - code to stop caching

    I should also point out that I changed the map's HTML file so that the XML datasource is specified thus: map.setDataURL("mymap.html?noCache=<>"); Which has no effect, unfortunately.
  9. Hi there! I am using FusionMaps, specifically FCMap_NewWorld.swf, and would like the map to update colours on refresh of the web page. Having browsed the forum, I can see that other users have had the same problem and have been given a snippet of javascript to insert in order to stop the browser caching the XML document. However, being a bit of a beginner when it comes to javascript, I have no idea where in the .js file I would need to post the cache stopping code. I have not previously made any other modifications to the original FusionMaps.js file. Thanks in advance, -Matt