I am using showToolTip='0' in the <chart> element but the tooltip is still showing when I hover the cursor over the chart elements (target, plot area.) Please assist.
<chart caption="TEST" numberPrefix="$" numberSuffix="K" decimals="0" showBorder="0" baseFont="Verdana" baseFontSize="9" showToolTip="0" lowerLimit="0" upperLimit="2000" majorTMNumber="11" plotFillColor="d3d3d3" plotBorderColor="333333" showPlotBorder="1" targetColor="008000" showTickMarks="1" showTickValues="1" adjustTM="0" paletteThemeColor="669933">
- <colorRange>
<color minValue="0" maxValue="1400" color="ff0000" />
<color minValue="1400" maxValue="1800" color="ffa500" />