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Everything posted by oarecare

  1. caption align

    is there any way to align the caption right or left? couldn't find it in the documentation. The reason is that i want it to stay away from my logo.
  2. logoPosition

    is there any way of showing a logo inside the chart canvas and resize it to fit the canvas size? if not, is there a possibility of setting a canvas size, instead of chart size? so that, however long the categories are, the logo stays in place? regards
  3. onclick

    is there any way of creating an onclick handler without entering the data in the xml? like the fc_event, without creating separate xml for every map? example: document.getElementById('youClicked').innerHTML='You clicked on '+objParams.lName; rollOver and rollOut work fine, would like to use the same features onclick aswell.
  4. onclick

    patched it by inserting id-link pairs tried to do the following: onclick set a value in a div and a hidden element, onrollover change the div contents, onrollout revert to the value in the hidden div (last area clicked). i am running into 2 issues: 1. onrollout does not fire every time 2. cannot get the clicked area to change color w/o reloading the xml can we use js functions to change a certain area's color? like javascript:{for(i=0;i<50;i++) chart.unselectAreaId(i); chart.setSelectedAreaId=6; (even change to the rollover color). reloading the xml for every user click is such a pain in the a$$...
  5. the xml query is like this: chart9.php?FCTime=1404 chart9.php?FCTime=1407 chart9.php?FCTime=1412 chart9.php?FCTime=1434 chart9.php?FCTime=1614 that makes all browsers cache it every time. see if infosoft can remove the FCTime
  6. lat/long

    is there any script to show longitude-latitude coordonates on a map? i get those from the ip database. probably knowing the coordinates of top-left and lower-right of the map, and assuming the map is linear? has anybody done this? i would hate to have to reinvent the wheel if anyone has thought of / done this before.
  7. Save Chart as image on server side

    same question... can you provide the xml sent from flash to fusionchartssave.php, so that we can save the image server-side? It must be doable... implementing a php file that parses the xml used by the swf, and sends a request to fusionchartssave.php?