Son Huynh

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About Son Huynh

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Hi, thanks for the response. Yes I've tried the lineDashLen attribute but it doesn't help. Due to requirements, I'm limited to smaller chart dimensions. When I implement it in regular HighCharts with the same number of data points, it seems to work just fine. I'm not sure why FusionCharts doesn't work in JavaScript? Can you also explain why the Flash version of it renders really weird? Thank you!
  2. Please see the attached data file and following code blocks: View: @model FusionChartsPrototype.Controllers.HomeController @Html.Raw(Model.Chart) Controller: public ActionResult Index() { FusionCharts.SetRenderer("javascript"); Chart = FusionCharts.RenderChart("../Charts/MSStepLine.swf", "../Data/Data.xml", "", "myChart", "600", "300", false, true); return View(this); } public string Chart { get; set; } Thank you! Data.xml
  3. Hi, I am trying to implement a Step line chart with a dashed line. However when having lots of data points (> 500), the points become so smushed together that the dash line effect is not visible. It appears as a solid line. When implementing the same chart with the same data points using pure HighCharts, the dash effect appears as one would expect. Can anyone help? Thank you.