Jim Buchman

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About Jim Buchman

  • Rank
    Forum Newbie
  1. FormatNumberScale with secondary Y axis

    That worked -- thanks! Jim B
  2. FormatNumberScale with secondary Y axis

    btw, when I click on one of my attachments, my browser just opens the forum home page. JIm
  3. Hi, I am using ScrollCombiDY2D.swf to display two types of data: number of bulletins per hour,and the number of bytes in those bulletins. Since the number scales are different, I am using two Y axes. I want the numbers to be formatted (e.g., 40K instead of 40,000), and so have set FormatNumberScale="1". It works for the primary Y axis, but not the secondary. Putting the statement directly into the clause does not work, either. Any ideas? Also, just curious -- is there any difference between and ? Thanks, Jim B bltnsByHour_xml.txt