Steven L

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About Steven L

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  1. Usa (States) Map Marker Link Firing Twice

    Any update on this one? We have a javascript function attached to the entity which gets fired twice and causes some issues. If there is some code we can comment out or change in the source code that would help us until the next release. Thanks!
  2. Map Area Label Not Clickable After Upgrade

    Any update on when this will be release? We currently are experiencing this issue. For the time being we reverted back to the old .swf files until this fix is released. Thanks!
  3. Usa (States) Map Marker Link Firing Twice

    Hi, I tested the sample you provided and the alert fires twice there as well. If you click the "DC" marker label you will get two alerts. Please see the attached screenshot that shows where I am clicking. Thank you for your help. Steven
  4. Hi, We are currently using version "fusioncharts/3.2.4-sr1.10100" to render pure javascript USA (States) map with some XML data. I have a simple alert link attached to each entity. This seems to fire okay for all entities but it is firing twice for markers like "DC" and "MD". I verified this on your visual map builder (http://docs.fusionch...ionMapsGUI.html) with flash plug-in disabled. You just need to select the USA (States) map and add the following XML: <map mapTopMargin="0" mapRightMargin="0" mapBottomMargin="0" mapLeftMargin="0" showCanvasBorder="0" baseFont="Verdana" baseFontSize="10" bgAlpha="0" showShadow="0" canvasBorderColor="387C44" toolTipBorderColor="000000" showToolTipShadow="0" hoverOnEmpty="0" animation="0" showBevel="0" showMarkerLabels="1" fillColor="F2F2F2" borderColor="A6A6A6" hoverColor="FF8040" markerBorderColor="A6A6A6" markerBgColor="FF5904" markerRadius="0" legendPosition="bottom" useHoverColor="0" showMarkerToolTip="1" showLabels="0" showAboutMenuItem="0" includeValueInLabels="0" showConnectorToolTip="1" toolTipBgColor="F1F1F1" markerLabelPadding="0" markerFontColor="000000" connectorThickness="0" connectorAlpha="0" connectorColor="000000" borderAlpha="100"> <data> <entity id="MD" showLabel="1" color="B7BCDA" labelConnectorAlpha="100" value="24" toolText="Maryland" link="j-alert-1" /> <entity id="DC" showLabel="1" color="B7BCDA" labelConnectorAlpha="100" value="11" toolText="District of Columbia" link="j-alert-1" /> <entity id="DE" showLabel="1" color="5F6AAD" labelConnectorAlpha="100" value="10" toolText="Delaware" link="j-alert-1" /> <entity id="AR" showLabel="1" color="5F6AAD" value="5" toolText="Arkansas" link="j-alert-1" /> <entity id="AZ" value="4" toolText="Arizona" link="j-alert-1" /> <entity id="AK" showLabel="1" color="5F6AAD" value="2" toolText="Alaska" link="j-alert-1" /><entity id="AL" showLabel="1" color="5F6AAD" value="1" toolText="Alabama" link="j-alert-1" /> </data> </map> Can you please let me know if this is a bug or if my XML is wrong? Thank you.