We have implemented a server side export where we turn the chart into a PNG.
The problem we're running into is when we have a lot of data sets (eg 130+) a whole heap of undefined's are being passed to our page in the capture phase ( instead of the correct data.
We can see the data being passed to the export page using a debugging tool such as
I have attached examples of the capture data being sent to the export page. CaptureWorking.txt is the data as we see when an export works. CaptureFail.txt is what we see when it fails.
The chart being used is MSBar3D.swf.
We are initiating the export using the Javascript API:
var chartObject = getChartFromId(DOMId);
The export page we are using is the provided (FCExporter.aspx.cs) with only the SAVE_PATH and HTTP_URI changed to match our site.
Turning the debugging on for the chart shows no issues.
I got a standalone page working using the JS exporter.
I created a stand alone page that is attached in
The stand alone page worked. (you'll have to set the code up on the web yourself and updated the save paths above if you want it to work).
Now what
The only thing I can think of is there is some odd time out or parse issue with the data.
Has anyone else come across this issue before?