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About TPham

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  1. Pie 3D Rendering Problem

    Thank you very much.
  2. Pie 3D Rendering Problem

    Thank you for your warm welcome and quick response. I'm using FusionCharts XT, version 3.2.3-sr1.5347. Sample code as follow (note that the call FusionCharts.setCurrentRenderer('javascript') has already been made prior to this execution): <div id="test_pie3d_chart"></div> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> $(function() { var data = { "chart": { "caption": "Case Outcomes", "showlabels": "0", "showvalues": "1", "showlegend": "1", "legendposition": "BOTTOM", "chartrightmargin": "20", "bgcolor": "FFFFFF", "bgalpha": "70", "bordercolor": "FFFFFF", "basefontcolor": "2F2F2F", "basefontsize": "11", "showpercentvalues": "0", "bgratio": "0", "startingangle": "200", "animation": "1" }, "data": [ {"value": 5, "label":"Settled"} ] }; $("#test_pie3d_chart").insertFusionCharts({ swfUrl : "FusionCharts/Pie3D.swf", width : 300, height : 300, id : "mychart", dataFormat : "json", dataSource : data }); }) </script> Thanks for your help.
  3. Pie 3D Rendering Problem

    I ran into an issue when trying to display a pie 3D chart using javascript renderer. This only happens if the data for the chart has only one element. The chart would animate as it drew the pie with only one slice. Once the animation completed, the pie disappeared completely, leaving only a number value displayed in the center. Is it a bug? Has anyone seen this problem before and is there a way to get around it? By the way, it works correctly if I'm using flash renderer. Appreciate any help. Thanks.