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About jabberwo

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Aligning Column Values

    Is there a way to access the Highcharts' "dataLabels" property "verticalAlign" so I can set it to "top'? Searching through API leads no-where. Want the data values of my stacked column datasets to be drawn near the top of their sections, not the vertical center. thanks, Jab
  2. I have large data sets to plot, it would be a lot more compact if I could put them into the transmitted HTML as a JavaScript array "data": [30,26, etc...] and not the much more verbose "data": [ { "value": "30" }, { "value": "26" }, etc... Having to massage the data into format using jQuery $.map(dataArray, function(val,i) {return {"value": val};}) seems like a waist of development and render time: Thanks, Jab