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Everything posted by awszxa

  1. JSON format

    ok I fixed the proble it was in your parseJSON function now it is working for firefox too.
  2. JSON format

    No still doesn't work. Try Firefox 3.0.1 and flashplayer 10. It looks like you have a problem when you have nested JSON object in code when the loop get in the categories is breaking on firefox for(var i in part_json){ if(typeof part_json=="object"){ if(part_json.hasOwnProperty("length")){ for(var j in part_json){ newel=this.XML.createElement(i); this.parseJSON(newel,part_json[j]); DOMElement.appendChild(newel); } }else{ newel=this.XML.createElement(i); this.parseJSON(newel,part_json); DOMElement.appendChild(newel); } }else{ if(typeof part_json=="string" || typeof part_json=="number" || typeof part_json=="boolean"){ attrib=this.XML.createAttribute(i); if(typeof part_json=="boolean"){ part_json=(part_json?"1":"0") } attrib.nodeValue=part_json; DOMElement.setAttributeNode(attrib); } } }
  3. JSON format

    I can't get it to work for firefox but works fine for IE chartData={shownames:"1", canvasBgAlpha:"0", showDivLineValues:"0", borderColor:"FFFFFF", divLineColor:"FFFFFF", divLineAlpha:"0", canvasBgColor:"FFFFFF", showYAxisValues:"0", showValues:"1", yAxisValuesPadding:"0", showLabels:"0", useRoundEdges:"1", legendBorderColor:"FFFFFF", bgColor:"FFFFFF", showAlternateVGridColor:"0", categories:{ category:[ {label:"Data"} ] }, dataset:[{ seriesName:"Product 1", set:[ { value:"11112"}, {value:"12224"} ] }, { set:[ { value:"12311"}, {value:"14123"} ], seriesName:"Product 2" } ] }