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About bruno.goncalves

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Hello, managed to reproduce the error?
  2. hi, The images are ok. The problem occurs when the view mode is enabled. holding the click of the mouse for a few seconds, the editor appears. I am also using the latest version: @ version fusioncharts/3.2.4-release.8565.
  3. Hello, about the bug mentioned above ... There's no way it? With html5 is this same ugly bug? Thank you.
  4. Good morning, Yes, even disabling, the menu still appears if pressing any button on any element ... It happens only with html5 XML: <Chart showBorder = '0 ' xAxisMinValue = '0 ' yAxisMinValue = '0 ' canvasBgAlpha = '0 ' showFormBtn = '0 ' showRestoreBtn = '0 ' animation = '0 ' btnTextColor = '15428B ' formBtnBgColor = '99BBE8 ' borderColor = 'FF99FF' bgColor = 'FFFFFF' canvasBorderColor = 'FFFFFF' formatNumberScale = '0 ' decimals = '2 ' forceDecimals = '1 ' decimalSeparator = ',' thousandSeparator = '.' inDecimalSeparator = ',' inThousandSeparator = '.' showPlotBorder = '0 ' bgAlpha = '0 ' enableLinks = '1 ' allowDrag = "1" toolTipBgColor = 'EAFAFF' viewMode = '1 ' xAxisMaxValue = '100 ' yAxisMaxValue = '100 ' is3D = '0 ' toolTipBorderColor = '99BBE8 ' > <dataset seriesName='Atividades' plotBorderAlpha='50' plotBorderColor='000000' plotBorderThickness='1' alpha='100'> <Set x = '47 ' y = '30 ' id = '51735639 ' imageurl = ".. / images / radar / chamados.gif ' color = '308630 ' shape = 'circle' link = "javascript: function ()" width = '16 ' height = '16 ' imageNode = '1 ' labelAlign = 'top' ImageAlign = 'middle' imageWidth = '18 ' ImageHeight = '18 ' allowDrag = "1" alpha = "100" tooltext = '...' radius = '11 .3 ' /> <Set x = '45 ' y = '58 ' id = '52357329 ' imageurl = ".. / images / radar / chamados.gif ' color = '308630 ' shape = 'circle' link = "javascript: function ()" width = '16 ' height = '16 ' imageNode = '1 ' labelAlign = 'top' ImageAlign = 'middle' imageWidth = '18 ' ImageHeight = '18 ' allowDrag = "1" alpha = "100" tooltext = '...' radius = '11 .3 ' /> <Set x = '57 ' y = '53 ' id = '52459895 ' imageurl = ".. / images / radar / inventario.gif ' color = "D05562" shape = 'circle' link = "javascript: function ()" width = '16 ' height = '16 ' imageNode = '1 ' labelAlign = 'top' ImageAlign = 'middle' imageWidth = '18 ' ImageHeight = '18 ' allowDrag = "1" alpha = "100" tooltext = '...' radius = '11 .3 ' /> </ Dataset> <styles> <definition> <style name='myHTMLFont' type='font' font='Verdana' size='10' color='555555' weight="bold" /> </ definition> <definition> <style name="labelstyle" type="font" isHTML="1"/> </ Definition> <application> <apply toObject="DATALABELS" styles="labelstyle"/> </ Application> <application> <apply toObject='TOOLTIP' styles='myHTMLFont' /> </ application> </ Styles> </ Chart> XML: <chart showBorder='0' xAxisMinValue='0' yAxisMinValue='0' canvasBgAlpha='0' showFormBtn='0' showRestoreBtn='0' animation='0' btnTextColor='15428B' formBtnBgColor='99BBE8' borderColor='FF99FF' bgColor='FFFFFF' canvasBorderColor='FFFFFF' formatNumberScale='0' decimals='2' forceDecimals='1' decimalSeparator=',' thousandSeparator='.' inDecimalSeparator=',' inThousandSeparator='.' showPlotBorder='0' bgAlpha='0' enableLinks='1' allowDrag="1" toolTipBgColor='EAFAFF' viewMode='1' xAxisMaxValue='100' yAxisMaxValue='100' is3D='0' toolTipBorderColor='99BBE8' > <dataset seriesName='Atividades' plotBorderAlpha='50' plotBorderColor='000000' plotBorderThickness='1' alpha='100' > <set x='47' y='30' id='51735639' imageurl='../images/radar/chamados.gif' color='308630' shape='circle' link="javascript:funcao()" width='16' height='16' imageNode='1' labelAlign='top' imageAlign='middle' imageWidth='18' imageHeight='18' allowDrag="1" alpha="100" tooltext='...' radius='11.3' /> <set x='45' y='58' id='52357329' imageurl='../images/radar/chamados.gif' color='308630' shape='circle' link="javascript:funcao()" width='16' height='16' imageNode='1' labelAlign='top' imageAlign='middle' imageWidth='18' imageHeight='18' allowDrag="1" alpha="100" tooltext='...' radius='11.3' /> <set x='57' y='53' id='52459895' imageurl='../images/radar/inventario.gif' color='D05562' shape='circle' link="javascript:funcao()" width='16' height='16' imageNode='1' labelAlign='top' imageAlign='middle' imageWidth='18' imageHeight='18' allowDrag="1" alpha="100" tooltext='...' radius='11.3' /> </dataset> <styles> <definition><style name='myHTMLFont' type='font' font='Verdana' size='10' color='555555' weight="bold" /></definition> <definition> <style name="labelstyle" type="font" isHTML="1"/> </definition> <application> <apply toObject="DATALABELS" styles="labelstyle"/> </application> <application><apply toObject='TOOLTIP' styles='myHTMLFont' /></application> </styles> </chart>
  5. Hi, I think I'm having trouble with my chart. When you hold the click over the element, the menu appears to editr the same as I disable it? Occurs only with html5.