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About shamasis

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    Red Flavoured
  • Birthday 04/01/1985

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  1. Very Large Box and Whisker Datasets

    Yeah! You can. We will update the docs soon! Now q1, q3, min, max, median and md, sd, qd, mean can be given directly as attributes of <set> element. If the value attribute is given in <set>, then the chart will calculate these values automatically.
  2. Hi, Since charts are rendering fine on browser and even on Batik export component (which is very picky with SVG syntax,) I think (from a preliminary look) its a bug with canvg. Hope you try and take up the issue with canvg team as well. In the meanwhile, I will see if I can look into it - but I don't see a scope in the coming months.
  3. I am observing the instability of the axis. By any chance can you set yAxisMaxValue to stabilise the axis and turn off auto scaling (unless aug-scaling is required)? I have attached a sample with evaluation version of FusionCharts version 3, 3, 1, "sr2", 20420. This is a newer build on the same, if you notice, in this I am resizing the chart after 4 seconds and the plot does get out of canvas for an instance and on the next update it gets back in. Are you seeing the same in your environment or in your case the plot is permanently staying out of canvas? Note that in the sample shows a reduced effect of the bug you are reporting. I also attached a screencast: Give me your thoughts. PS: The sample needs to be run from a server and the data-stream file is in PHP. In case your server is not PHP, the streamer code can be very simply ported to your webserver language.
  4. Hey, a way to stop this is to find and replace a line in FusionCharts.HC.js (for the latest 3.3.1 SR2 version.) // search: e.prototype.constructor=e;k.prototype={dispose:function(){var d=this.container,e; // and replace with e.prototype.constructor=e;k.prototype={dispose:function(){var d=this.parentContainer,e; If you have the source code, locate the definition of SmartLabelManager.prototye and dive into the dispose function. On the 2nd line in the function, replace container = label.container with container = label.parentContainer.
  5. Stacked Area 2D remove gradient from Fill

    You tried plotFillGradient="" (blank)?
  6. Remove the last <category> element. JS charts draws all-inclusive category elements as part of unified behaviour across other vertical plot lines. Another way of getting same output in much easier fashion is simply to remove all <category> elements and add yAxisMaxValue="210" to the chart attributes. The vertical lines will be automatically calculated!
  7. Designtimeerror: #25081843

    If you are using FusionCharts.js without the source code, you can lookup the following line in your obfuscated FusionCharts.js assuming its 3.3.1-release (any other version will have slight variance, on other version, but searching with the text "25081843" should get you near.) a.renderer.dispose(this);window[]!==void 0&&a.raiseError(this,"25081843", and replace it with a.renderer.dispose(this);window[]=undefined;window[]!==void 0&&a.raiseError(this,"25081843", If you want to make changes in unobfuscated source code, mail to with reference to this forum post and you would be helped.
  8. Sorry to disappoint, but both are intended! But I do see your point of showing the legend item of empty datasets. Let me see if where we can put it up on our roadmap. :-) Haritha will keep you posted here. Regarding null data not connecting until a preceding non null data is found - a good question to ask ourselves would be where on y-axis will this line project? If its zero it would imply that there is a zero value to start. If it's a straight line parallel to x-axis with equation y=n (n being the non-null point value) it would still falsely indicate that all values from x=0 is n ... that again is misleading visualisation. As such connecting null points are only mathematically correct when there are two plotted non-null points between them.
  9. Very Large Box and Whisker Datasets

    Let me check feasibility and revert. It might not be simple upfront since the chart's purpose itself is to calculate from value and has been designed accordingly. Will revert. Since you're already doing the calculation, I presume providing it as a comma separated five number summary in a specified order is a good way for data input? Finally, can you check and let me know if your license has unobfuscated source code?
  10. Very Large Box and Whisker Datasets

    This is interesting! If I understood you correctly, you have millions of points as such you would like to send pre calculated info in the set elements?
  11. Javascript chart with JQueryPlugin

    For point 4, "For JS rendering charts we needn't swf files, but why we have to give swfUrl as ZoomLine.swf" - it is not needed. You may drop .swf or use "type" parameter as specified as advanced construction method in docs.
  12. Even if you encode your links, disabling this encoding exposes you to cross site scripting attack. As such there is no way to turn this off as a user configuration. If you have the source files, you may modify XSS checking function within our link parser (only adviseable if you are running the charts within trusted intranet or closed private environment.) Discussing this here is not a good idea too. I would still suggest you do a double decoding of the link as that should solve your problem.
  13. The difference is primarily because our JS variant of charts tries to minimise needless pre-encoding and also uses .encodeURIComponent API to encode strings. encodeURIComponent has support to encode extended UTF charset, which is very important for multilingual support. Also, there is another layer of encoding that is done by flash player while it communicates with JS on a page. We have no control on the same. Try running unescape or decodeUriComponent on the links parameters in your SubmitForm function and that should unify the outputs. The idea behind this is that a string that cannot be further decoded will remain unchanged. In JS charts, there is one more situation where upon detection of possible security risk in link, another level of encoding is done.
  14. fusioncharts.js file error

    Hi, The line number alone on an obfuscated JS file will not help. Need more details as the environment, trigger and error details. Maybe a scaled down replica.