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Everything posted by shamasis

  1. Ie8+Https+Javascript Chart = Problems

    Just to be sure, which version of FusionCharts are you using? Is it the latest? We would try and recreate it at our end. Um… can you share / email a live URL that exhibits this error? Or maybe a scaled down HTML sample that exhibits the error?
  2. Ie8+Https+Javascript Chart = Problems

    The answer mentioned in the URL here might help you: If it does not, let know.
  3. Can you let us know of the line number where this error is happening? Do you have a license that contains the source codes? If yes, then providing an accurate line number by using the source code would help. Giving us a screenshot of the FireBug script tab after the error log has been clicked, would give us a better idea. Also, is there any specific interaction that raises this error or it just happens on chart load? Which version of prototype.js are you using? Are there any other plugin or extension of prototype that is on that page? And lastly, while we probe into the issue, if you can mail us ([email protected]) a scaled down HTML sample that exhibits this error, it would help us speed up resolution.
  4. Ie8/ie7 + Modernizr/respond = Fail

    Solution: With your combination of libraries on IE 6, 7 and 8, browser is failing to parse XML using IE's XMLIsland feature. A very simple way to fix this would be to disable IE-Safe XML parsing by setting "allowIESafeXMLParsing" FusionCharts library options to false. To do the same, please use the following piece of code anywhere after inclusion of FusionCharts library and before setting data on any chart. FusionCharts.options.allowIESafeXMLParsing = false; Working sample on IE 6:
  5. Any reason why you are using "j-" and not "LinkedCharts"? The button can be made visible using linkedcharts alone. The button can also be invoked separately, but it does not have a documented API and is designed to specifically work with LinkedCharts.
  6. Here we go... For pure JS charts, FusionCharts loads approx 30% of its codebase during page-load (before "onload" provided the scripts are in page head.) The rest 70% is loaded when a chart is instantiated. This latter dynamic script loading depends upon the chart-type being loaded. This dynamic behaviour can be altered by simply including the required scripts in page head. Thus, entire 100% of script can be made to load during page-load. Could you elaborate as to what you mean by "cost of time about structuring the pure javascript"? If you mean the time to load and execute/initialize the library... it depends upon your network and client bandwidth. However, once the files are loaded, reloading takes no time since the files are cached. The framework initialization time is approximately 100 ms for first 30% and 500ms for entire 100% on a standard 2Ghz 4GB system (however, this benchmark will widely vary from system to system.) Otherwise, if you mean the time taken to render a chart, it varies on a large number of factors. You should ideally set an acceptable time limit for yourself to render a chart and then render the chart that for your use-case is the heaviest, and try it on a really slow/mobile system and check if it meets your eye.
  7. Fusioncharts Jquery Attrfusioncharts Re-Draw

    Nopes! FusionCharts needs to redraw the chart on attribute change (irrespective whether jQuery plugin is used or directly chartObject.setChartAttribute is used.) This is inherently because on most attribute change, the chart needs to recalculate the entire visual aspect and position of various items. Is there any specific reason for which you want to avoid redraw? Also, an extra bit of info, not sure if that will be useful to you: for certain realtime gauges, one can specifically update the data and data-labels without redrawing the chart.
  8. Hey... one more basic check: If you are using Flash renderer, did you try ensuring that you have correct Flash Global Security Settings? Try:
  9. Hey... did you check whether the chart has completely rendered before calling feedData? feedData should ideally be called after the chart's "rendererd" event is fired.
  10. "credits" Showing In Javascript Rendering

    There is a possibility that you forgot to replace all your files while transitioning from trial to licensed version. You need to replace all js files along with all swf files. For your case, it seems you missed out on replacing FusionCharts.HC.Charts.js
  11. Browser Freezes When Rendering In Javascript

    Before I or anyone else looks further into it, I found that your XML has <dataset ParentYAxis='d' ...>. This is NOT a valid XML (even though it renders fine on flash.) For it to work properly, replace ParentYAxis='d' with renderAs='line' Also, with your sample XML we could not reproduce the error. Are you using the latest FusionCharts release (3.2.2-SR3)? If not, could you please redownload the same from PUC. The XMl that we are using (after fixing parentYAxis issue) is as below: <chart caption='' xAxisName='' yAxisName='%' yAxisMaxValue='100' > <categories> <category label='Jul' /><category label='Aug' /><category label='Sep' /><category label='Oct' /><category label='Nov' /><category label='Dec' /><category label='Jan' /><category label='Feb' /><category label='Mar' /><category label='Apr' /><category label='May' /><category label='Jun' /> </categories> <dataset seriesName='Actual YTD' showValues='0'><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='40' /><set value='56' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /></dataset> <dataset seriesName='Bus Plan YTD' renderas='line' showValues='0'><set value='3.5' /><set value='6.3' /><set value='10.5' /><set value='15.4' /><set value='27' /><set value='39.1' /><set value='50.5' /><set value='59.7' /><set value='64' /><set value='77' /><set value='90' /><set value='100' /></dataset> <dataset seriesName='Stretch' renderas='line' showValues='0'><set value='7' /><set value='13' /><set value='17' /><set value='25' /><set value='35' /><set value='46' /><set value='60' /><set value='68' /><set value='74' /><set value='90' /><set value='100' /><set value='100' /></dataset> </chart> PS: Ensure that you place all the JS files (FusionCharts.HC.js and FusionCharts.HC.Charts.js) in package alongside the main FusionCharts.js
  12. Javascript Charts Incompatible With Jquery 1.7.2

    Hey... we have already done that for you. Just download the latest files from our website and you would see that it works just fine with jQuery 1.7.x Trials: Licensed: If you have a licensed copy, then download the latest release from our PUC, If you still have issues, feel free to nudge this thread. BTW: Thanks for the compliments and you have an interesting forum username!
  13. Fusioncharts Json Object Overwrite In Ie7

    Also, to appeal to a logic, the code in FusionCharts.js var JSON; JSON || (JSON={}); and mooTools definition is exactly the same... just written in a cooler syntax by us.
  14. Hey... though FusionWidgets does not support realtime update of bullet gauge, I would still like to know a bit more... 1. Have you upgraded to latest version of FusionWidgets? 2. Are you using specifically Flash or JS variants of charts? Also, could you tell us the use-case of your realtime bullet graph? Maybe mail us keeping this forum topic as reference.
  15. Led Gauge Round Border

    Hey... you can use annotations to create the glass effect on LED gauge. Annotations are simple shapes that can be controlled in almost any possible way. If you want to go down this road, you can even get the rounded corners done. Check out the sample I created for your help (edit the fiddle and you can see the code.) To know more about annotations and its usage, I am adding direct links to Knowledge Base and FusionWidgets documentation. Refer KB at Refer documentation at
  16. Fusioncharts Is Now Ipad Ready!

    This is somewhat intended. Since we have a "sticky" tooltip that does not travel with mouse movement, it needs to be rendered a bit away from the point where it is being hovered, so that it does not hinder from hovering over other nearby points.
  17. Jquery Ajax In Ie8 Memory Release

    Yeah, if the use-case does not "require" recreating the chart, simply setting new data will work. PS: chart-type, chart-size and chart data can all be updated on a chart instance without creating a new FusionCharts every time.
  18. Javascript Or Jquery

    Essentially, the jQuery Plugin is a "wrapper" around the main FusionCharts JavaScript library. The jQuery plugin, simply put, allows you to render FusionCharts in the familiar jQuery syntax. Regarding the object properties, I am a bit confused. Your code-snippet refers to server-side Java code. However, your initial discussion was between JavaScript and jQuery API (both client-side) and not Java. Nevertheless, within the client browser, you surely can procure the object properties. The properties you have listed out are scattered under various sub-objects. A complete list of such properties can be found at: JavaScript API Reference -> Overview in FusionCharts documentation.
  19. Fusioncharts Is Now Ipad Ready!

    Hello Rajat, At a generic level (not pertaining to just iOS), "No data to display" happens when you set incompatible data type for a chart and when (very evidently) there is no data to display! For example if you set single-series data for a multi-series chart, etc. What chart are you rendering and can you post a sample data you are providing to it? Nevertheless, I am notifying someone who is more iOS savvy to tap into this.
  20. Drawanchors Not Work In Javascript Render

    Turning off shadow may help. This is is a shadow issue.
  21. Fusioncharts Is Now Ipad Ready!

    Any reason for not upgrading to the least supported jQuery version? I am not seeing the jQuery dependency being extended to any other library anytime soon. Thinking aloud: since you are using the adapter, you could try adding support for the following events by coding the same within the prototype adapter: "dragstart", "drag" and "dragend". As you have observed, we internally extend jQuery to respond to these pseudo-events.
  22. Clickurl Javascript Max Length On Iexplorer

    Yeah... IMHO the JS function is executed via the browser's URL call. That might limit the total length of the clickURL attribute. Did you check whether the JS variants of charts have the same effect in your implementation?
  23. Fusioncharts Is Now Ipad Ready!

    So, your dashboard does not have jQuery? Can you elaborate why you want drag related events be also extended for other libraries?
  24. Jquery Ajax In Ie8 Memory Release

    Hey, In your ajax success function, what does CollectGarbage() do? In any case, a better approach would be if you rewrite the success function as (I am assuming that you are using the latest FusionCharts.js - 3.2.2-SR2): function(responseText){ var myChart = window.myChart; if (myChart) { myChart.dispose && myChart.dispose(); delete window.myChart; myChart = null; } myChart = window.myChart = new FusionCharts("../FusionChartsBroad/AngularGauge.swf", "myChartId", "350", "200"); myChart.setXMLData(responseText); myChart.render("chartdiv"); myChart = null; } In essence, before creating a new FusionCHarts instance, check to see if an older one exists. If yes then call dispose() on it. The code snippet of mine can be made more elegant, but essentially the logic remains this way. Also, in case you are facing issues with memory release in JavaScript variants of the charts, then the upcoming release of FusionCharts (3.2.2.-SR3) should plug it up. PS: I also spotted that you are using deprecated setDataXML()
  25. Seems like you are asking the Pie chart to perform a lot many Jedi tasks! Amazingly, I could actually replicate that the slices do teleport! I am treating this as a bug and would put it up on our list to be taken up at a convenient "stardate"