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Everything posted by nicholasnet

  1. I am trying to add linear Trendline in StackedColumn3DLineDY chart. Is there any better or I should nice way to achieve this. Furthermore, is it possible to add Trendline after I render the chart. Any hints or suggestion...please...?
  2. Trend Line In Stackedcolumn3Dlinedy

    Thank you very much that did the job perfectly.
  3. Trend Line In Stackedcolumn3Dlinedy

    Finally I figured out this problem. But I had to use MSStackedColumn2DLineDY chart instead of 3D one that I was using. However I would like to customize the look of the graph especially I would like to remove the white gradient. Is there any way to remove the gradient. I tried all this but it did not worked. "dataset": [{ "dataset": [{ "seriesname": "Clicks", "showvalues": "0", "data": clickData },{ "seriesname": "Sales", "color" : "8BBA00", "plotfillratio":"100", "plotFillAlpha":"100", "plotgradientcolor":"009933", "showvalues": "1", "data": salesData }] }]
  4. Trend Line In Stackedcolumn3Dlinedy

    Here is what I am trying to do. I am trying to add linear trend-line of a line. But in order to do that I need to find x,y co-ordinates of every data point in a line chart. I want something like in attached picture (where the green line is trend-line that I like to add). Can you please give me any advice about achieving this. I found this link Unfortunately, this solution won't work because my chart changes as per user selection. So, if I have to calculate trend-line then I have to that in client side.