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About mind_mirror

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  1. How to implement Hyperlink in powerchart (set tags)

    Thanks a lot.it works fine.
  2. i am using simple jsp or html.Powerchat is implemented.If I would like to launch a hyperlink from the set inside dataset what is the way out??? My java script in html :- Dim strDataURL ; strDataURL = "a.html"; var chart = new FusionCharts("../FusionCharts/DragNode.swf",strDataURL,"" "NodeChart", "1000", "800", "0", "1"); ->?? chart.setDataURL("Data.xml"); chart.render("chartdiv");
  3. i am using simple jsp or html.Powerchat is implemented.If I would like to launch a hyperlink from the set inside dataset what is the way out??? My HTML:- FusionCharts Dim strDataURL ; strDataURL = "a.html"; var chart = new FusionCharts("../FusionCharts/DragNode.swf",strDataURL,"" "NodeChart", "1000", "800", "0", "1"); ->?? chart.setDataURL("Data.xml"); chart.render("chartdiv");