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Everything posted by myusername

  1. IE7 update chart

    I use fusionChart in IE7 , sometimes display the wrong output from updatechart by using ajax to replace xml file complete => wrong => code : function updateChart(xmlData){ if(isIE){ var chart = new FusionCharts("/static/swf/MSArea.swf", "chart_display", "208", "180", "0", "0"); }else{ var chart = new FusionCharts("/static/swf/MSArea.swf", "chart_display", "100%", "100%", "0", "0"); } chart.setDataXML(xmlData); chart.render("graph"); } xmlData is xml file from ajax request Please help me!, thank you. [email protected]
  2. IE7 update chart

    I use this code : getChartFromId("chart_display").setDataXML(xmlData); to update xml of chart but it 's not render the new one.