Seetharaman Srinivasan

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Everything posted by Seetharaman Srinivasan

  1. Fcmap_Europe Does Not Show Values In Label

    I have thw following for FCMap_Europe map <map includeValueInLabels='1' includeNameInLabels='1' useSNameInLabels='1' > I can make the value to sho up in the Lable. I can see only two chracter country code and full name of the country on mouse over
  2. Fcmap_Europe Does Not Show Values In Label

  3. Fcmap_Europe Does Not Show Values In Label

    <html> <head> <title>My First map using FusionCharts JavaScript Class</title> <script language="JavaScript" src="http://localhost:9080/ids/JSClass/FusionMaps.js"></script> <script language="JavaScript" src="http://localhost:9080/ids/JSClass/FusionCharts.js"></script> <script language="JavaScript" src="http://localhost:9080/ids/js/ww_fusion_markers.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="chartOne" style="width: 100%;height:100%; "> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var eudata="<entity id='DE' value='485' /><entity id='ES' value='27' />"; var myChart = new FusionMaps("http://localhost:9080/ids/Maps/FCMap_Europe.swf", "chartOne",'600', '500',"0"); myChart.setDataXML("<map includeValueInLabels='1' includeNameInLabels='1' useSNameInLabels='1' ><data>"+eudata+"</data></map>"); myChart.render("chartOne"); </script> </body> </html> This is the code I ran from my server http://localhost:9080/ids/euro.html
  4. Fcmap_Europe Does Not Show Values In Label

    Thanks. Let me get the code out of my application and test. Then I will send the code to you. I tried both FCMap_Europewithcountries and FCMap_Europe <map includeValueInLabels='1'><data><entity id='DE' value='485' /><entity id='ES' value='27' /></data></map> Thisis the xml generated from my application