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Everything posted by pian

  1. Bar/Line charts y values are not synchronized with the y axis. For example a chart where the y value is 3000 but is displayed below y axis 2800 point. Please see attachment. We are using FC v3. Need your help on that one. It happens in more than few reports Thanks
  2. Bar/Line charts values are incorrect

    I sent an email to the support but got no response. I need a solution either as an swf or directions how to avoid this situation through the xml thanks Urit
  3. Bar/Line charts values are incorrect

    We are using FC v3.0.6 and this is the data xml for the MSColumnLine3D.swf chart I have attached: <chart caption="" subCaption="" bgColor="FFFFFF" showBorder="0" animation="1" formatNumberScale="0" baseFont="Arial" baseFontSize="12" baseFontColor="000000" showLabels="1" showValues="1" showYAxisValues="1" xAxisName="" yAxisName="" showCanvasBg="1" labelDisplay="NONE" rotateValues="0" formatNumber="1" showLegend="1" legendPosition="RIGHT" legendCaption="" imageSave="1" imageSaveURL="http://leech:8080/bam-server/repgen/fcSaveAsImage" inThousandSeparator="," thousandSeparator="," inDecimalSeparator="." decimalSeparator="."><dataset seriesname="" renderAs="Bar"/><trendLines><line startValue="3000" color="FF0000" displayValue="SLA" valueOnRight="1"/></trendLines><categories><category label="Mon"/><category label="Tue"/><category label="Wed"/><category label="Thu"/><category label="Fri"/></categories><dataset seriesName="Amount" renderAs="LINE"><set value="5,000"/><set value="4,000"/><set value="3,000"/><set value="6,000"/><set value="5,000"/></dataset></chart> thanks