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About ns88

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  1. Scroll chart, initial scroll position

    the directive scrollToEnd='1' doesn't work with chart type 2YSCROLL. Should there be special configuration for this chart? btw, it does work as expected with chart types ScrollStackedColumn2D, ScrollLine2D, ScrollColumn2D
  2. In a multi-series chart, e.g., stacked column, how do you create a link in a stacked column that sends the complete data of the particular stacked column: category and all data values for that category? All the online examples are for simple charts where the label and value are in the same tag.
  3. How do I set the initial scroll position to be on the right (i.e., the end of the category series) rather than the default at the left?
  4. I need a scroll chart with either: (1) stacked column and a line OR (2) Multi-series stacked column. What's the best way to generate such a chart (I'm using V3)?