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Everything posted by sdouglas

  1. How to add a link on this Gauge? (AngularGauge.swf) The data.xml is: bgColor='FFFFFF,FFFFFF' fillAngle='45' lowerLimit='0' upperLimit='27324100' majorTMNumber='6' majorTMHeight='15' showGaugeBorder='0' gaugeOuterRadius='140' gaugeOriginX='205' gaugeOriginY='206' gaugeInnerRadius='2' formatNumberScale='1' displayValueDistance='30' decimalPrecision='2' tickMarkDecimalPrecision='1' pivotRadius='7' showPivotBorder='0' pivotBorderColor='000000' pivotBorderThickness='5' pivotFillMix='FFFFFF,000000' > value='6820520.14' borderAlpha='0' bgColor='000000' baseWidth='10' topWidth='0' radius='135'/>
  2. Hi, I want to change the render parameters from a created series using javascript, is there any method that I can do? For example, I wanto to change the series "Realizado" from column to line. The file with the code and xml is in:
  3. A need link on the text or rectangle don