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About DenisDev

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Fusion Chart Memory Leak.

    Hi Swarnam, I already did that. Also used trial version of FusionCharts. The problem is still there. The problem is in library, I am facing this issue from the earliest versions. But opposite to Flash version, Javascript doesn't have a solution. I used Flash versions and dispose worked ok, the memory became free and I could run re-rendering of charts for days, weeks and months without page reload. Now I have to move to HTML and the memory becomes fully used at the end of first day. Have you run charts re-rendering in long term (without page reload)? For example, use setTimeout or setInterval.
  2. Fusion Chart Memory Leak.

    Could you please tell us the status of updates? Was this issue eliminated? If it still has some percent of leaks in any browser, then we need to refresh the page fully and can't leave it working for days. I have the same situation where I re-render charts but call dispose method, besides that I use HTML5 version only. On flash it worked ok though I moved to javascript and now need to be sure that my application won't crash. I am using @version fusioncharts/3.2.4-sr1.9888 Code that is used for dispose: var fusionChart = FusionCharts.items[chartId]; fusionChart.dispose(); delete fusionChart; fusionChart = null; Browser tested: IE9 and Firefox. Though Firefox tries to keep the memory the same, I am not sure it will be 100% working on production where I don't re-render the same charts but use to show different charts in same view (but the main set of charts don't change, it just switches by circle)