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Everything posted by olig9

  1. Hello all, I have 2 strange issues since I have installed the last Flash Player (V10.0 r12). The 1st : If I scroll the page where my gantt chart is displayed and, after few scrolling, I move the cursor over the chart bars, I lose the events defined on my bars (as toolTexts, links ...). I can restore the events by clicking one time somewhere on the chart. The 2nd : I have another gantt chart (in a different page) where a large number of processes/tasks are displayed. It was working fine with Flash 9 but, since the v10, the end of the chart is not well displayed. The processes and the bars are generated but they are blank. The links defined on my processes are still 'clickable' but there is no text displayed and the bars are not there. I repeat, all was working fine with older versions of Flash Player. Thanks in advance for your help. Best regards. Olivier
  2. I have already contacted the support by mail. I sent the URLs of the pages where the problem can be reproduced. However, I cannot give the code (confidentiality...). I'm in touch with Pallav Nadhani from FusionCharts Support. Please contact him for more details and for the URLs. Regards. Olivier
  3. Hi, all the tested Windows machines (XP, Vista) with Firefox or Safari and FP10 have the same behaviour. Mac works fine. Regards. Olivier
  4. Hi, my Flash Version is 10.0 r12. Best regards. Olivier
  5. Hi, yes it actually works on IE 6 and IE 7. But on Windows OS (tried with XP and Vista) with Firefox or Safari, the problem occurs. On Mac, all is working fine. Best regards. Olivier
  6. Flash 10 does not display charts

    Hi, Did you tried the FP10 with Firefox (2 or 3) ? Because it actually works fine on IE 6 and IE 7. But my problem occurs on Firefox and Safari installed on Windows machine. On Mac, all is working fine. See my post for more details : http://www.fusioncharts.com/forum/Topic10195-17-1.aspx Best regards. Olivier