I want to draw a line chart, with MSLine.swf;
I've got this example that works in all browsers (IE, Chrome and FF).
objChart = new FusionCharts({swfUrl: "FusionCharts/MSLine.swf", id: "ChartID_18_43", width: "700", height: "400", dataFormat: FusionChartsDataFormats.JSON, registerWithJS: "1", renderAt: "div_btt"}).render();
objChart.setJSONData({ "chart": { "exportEnabled": "0", "exportAtClient": "0", "exportHandler": "/ExportHandlers/FCExporter.aspx", "exportAction": "download", "exportFormat": "PNG", "canvasBorderAlpha": "0", "bgColor": "FFFFFF", "showPlotBorder": "0", "divLineColor": "CDCDCD", "showBorder": "0", "animation": "0", "numdivlines": "5", "linethickness": "2", "showvalues": "1", "numberSuffix": "%", "yAxisMinValue": "9", "formatnumberscale": "1", "slantlabels": "1", "anchorradius": "2", "anchorbgalpha": "50", "showalternatevgridcolor": "1", "anchoralpha": "100", "limitsdecimalprecision": "0", "divlinedecimalprecision": "1", "showLegend": "1", "legendShadow": "0", "legendIconScale": "3", "legendBorderThickness": "1", "interactiveLegend": "0" }, "categories": [ { "category": [ { "label": "1T10" }, { "label": "2T10" }, { "label": "3T10" }, { "label": "4T10" }, { "label": "1T11" }, { "label": "2T11" }, { "label": "3T11" }, { "label": "4T11" }, { "label": "1T12" }, { "label": "2T12" }, { "label": "3T12" }, { "label": "4T12" } ] } ], "dataset": [ { "color": "45291", "anchorbordercolor": "45291", "data": [ { "value": "10.6" }, { "value": "10.6" }, { "value": "10.9" }, { "value": "11.1" }, { "value": "12.4" }, { "value": "12.1" }, { "value": "12.4" }, { "value": "14" }, { "value": "14.9" }, { "value": "15" }, { "value": "15.8" }, { "value": "16.9" } ] } ], "styles": { "definition": [ { "name": "labelFont", "type": "font", "size": "12", "bold": "1" }, { "type": "Shadow", "name": "Shadow_1", "Angle": "130", "Color": "000000", "Alpha": "100", "blurX": "0", "blurY": "0", "Strength": "2" } ], "application": [{ "toobject": "DataLabels", "styles": "labelFont" }, { "toobject": "CANVAS", "styles": "Shadow_1"}] } });
but if i uncomment the first line ( FusionCharts.setCurrentRenderer('javascript') ), it only works in IE and in chrome and FF, have a js error, Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'appendChild' of null, in FusionCharts.HC.js: line 266; and it will not render the chart in the other browser and iPad.
I need to set the chart in javascript because it must be available for iPad.
Can anyone help?
Thanks in advance