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About TO2013

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  1. Change Data

    I've created a new post for this issue, The file has been attached Thanks, test.htm
  2. Hi, I want to draw a line chart, with MSLine.swf; I've got this example that works in all browsers (IE, Chrome and FF). //FusionCharts.setCurrentRenderer('javascript') objChart = new FusionCharts({swfUrl: "FusionCharts/MSLine.swf", id: "ChartID_18_43", width: "700", height: "400", dataFormat: FusionChartsDataFormats.JSON, registerWithJS: "1", renderAt: "div_btt"}).render(); objChart.setJSONData({ "chart": { "exportEnabled": "0", "exportAtClient": "0", "exportHandler": "/ExportHandlers/FCExporter.aspx", "exportAction": "download", "exportFormat": "PNG", "canvasBorderAlpha": "0", "bgColor": "FFFFFF", "showPlotBorder": "0", "divLineColor": "CDCDCD", "showBorder": "0", "animation": "0", "numdivlines": "5", "linethickness": "2", "showvalues": "1", "numberSuffix": "%", "yAxisMinValue": "9", "formatnumberscale": "1", "slantlabels": "1", "anchorradius": "2", "anchorbgalpha": "50", "showalternatevgridcolor": "1", "anchoralpha": "100", "limitsdecimalprecision": "0", "divlinedecimalprecision": "1", "showLegend": "1", "legendShadow": "0", "legendIconScale": "3", "legendBorderThickness": "1", "interactiveLegend": "0" }, "categories": [ { "category": [ { "label": "1T10" }, { "label": "2T10" }, { "label": "3T10" }, { "label": "4T10" }, { "label": "1T11" }, { "label": "2T11" }, { "label": "3T11" }, { "label": "4T11" }, { "label": "1T12" }, { "label": "2T12" }, { "label": "3T12" }, { "label": "4T12" } ] } ], "dataset": [ { "color": "45291", "anchorbordercolor": "45291", "data": [ { "value": "10.6" }, { "value": "10.6" }, { "value": "10.9" }, { "value": "11.1" }, { "value": "12.4" }, { "value": "12.1" }, { "value": "12.4" }, { "value": "14" }, { "value": "14.9" }, { "value": "15" }, { "value": "15.8" }, { "value": "16.9" } ] } ], "styles": { "definition": [ { "name": "labelFont", "type": "font", "size": "12", "bold": "1" }, { "type": "Shadow", "name": "Shadow_1", "Angle": "130", "Color": "000000", "Alpha": "100", "blurX": "0", "blurY": "0", "Strength": "2" } ], "application": [{ "toobject": "DataLabels", "styles": "labelFont" }, { "toobject": "CANVAS", "styles": "Shadow_1"}] } }); but if i uncomment the first line ( FusionCharts.setCurrentRenderer('javascript') ), it only works in IE and in chrome and FF, have a js error, Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'appendChild' of null, in FusionCharts.HC.js: line 266; and it will not render the chart in the other browser and iPad. I need to set the chart in javascript because it must be available for iPad. Can anyone help? Thanks in advance
  3. Change Data

    Hi, Sorry, I've only see your answer today. I'll try it now. One more question, I'cant show MSLine Charts in iPad. I've upload a file with my example. Thanks
  4. Change Data

    Hi, I'm using mojoportal to build a web site. We want to have some graphics (javascript), and we are thinking in fusion charts, we have downloaded @version fusioncharts/3.3.0-release.18700 demo In our initial tests, we need to export the chart to png files and also need to set the data source (JSON) dynamically, through ajax call. So far, we couldn't be able to set the solution working. We can set the data source by json dynamically but can't export, or can export (only with flash) and not set data source dinamically. Can you help us? Thanks in advance