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Everything posted by balajik

  1. Hi How to get the Arraylist or Hashmap value from java This is path to get the arraylist value for tool tip. File name ---> Arraylist name ----> private List listStats = new ArrayList (); Get value from Arraylist ----> listname[0] how to get the value for toolText Attribute inside category tag Here i attached integrated xml tag with jsf and facelet. How can i get the value.. help me... Thanks code.txt
  2. Hi This is the code i used ... i am using stackedcolumn3D chart , i didn't get any changes after i set plotSpacePercent='50' setAdaptiveYMin='10' how to set width of the bar and gap between two bar.... pls help me to fix this issue. thanks
  3. I cant able to reduce the size of bar

    Thank u ... Its work now
  4. I cant able to reduce the size of bar

    Here we integrate with our technology jsf, facelet.
  5. I cant able to reduce the size of bar

    Hi This is code which i am using.... thanks code.txt
  6. when I use those attribute, it does not work. I am using column3D bar chart ... this is the part of code which i am using //facelet tag // dynamic values pls tell me any other than way to for slant label .
  7. slant lable name

    Hi I want to show the slant listname. Please help me for this code <ui:composition xmlns="" xmlns:ui="" xmlns:h="" xmlns:f="" xmlns:a4j="" xmlns:rich="" xmlns:s=""> <f:view contentType="type/xml"> <graph palette="2" caption="Recent 5 List Stats" decimalPrecision="0" shownames="1" showvalues="1" limitsDecimalPrecision='0' bgColor="EEF0E3" showAlternateHGridColor="1" alternateHGridColor="EBEDE1" divlinecolor="C4C5BD"> <categories> <ui:repeat value="#{dashboard.listStats}" var="listname"> <category name='#{listname[0]}'/> </ui:repeat> </categories> <dataset seriesName="Total" color="AFD8F8" showValues="1"> <ui:repeat value="#{dashboard.listStats}" var="ucount"> <set value='#{ucount[1]}'/> </ui:repeat> </dataset> <dataset seriesName="Active" color="F6BD0F" showValues="1"> <ui:repeat value="#{dashboard.listStats}" var="acount"> <set value='#{acount[2]}'/> </ui:repeat> </dataset> <dataset seriesName="Removals" color="8BBA00" showValues="1"> <ui:repeat value="#{dashboard.listStats}" var="aunsubcount"> <set value='#{aunsubcount[3]}'/> </ui:repeat> </dataset> <dataset seriesName="Unsubscribes" color="CC3300" showValues="1"> <ui:repeat value="#{dashboard.listStats}" var="uunsubcount"> <set value='#{uunsubcount[4]}'/> </ui:repeat> </dataset> <dataset seriesName="Supress" color="EEF0E3" showValues="1"> <ui:repeat value="#{dashboard.listStats}" var="supcount"> <set value='#{supcount[5]}'/> </ui:repeat> </dataset> </graph> </f:view> </ui:composition>
  8. slant lable name

    when I use those attribute, it does not work. I am using column3D bar chart ... this is the part of code which i am using <graph palette="2" caption="Recent 5 List Stats" decimalPrecision="0" shownames="1" showvalues="1" limitsDecimalPrecision='0' bgColor="EEF0E3" showAlternateHGridColor="1" alternateHGridColor="EBEDE1" divlinecolor="C4C5BD"> <categories> <ui:repeat value="#{dashboard.listStats}" var="listname"> //facelet tag <category name='#{listname[0]}'/> // dynamic values </ui:repeat> </categories> pls tell me any other than way to for slant label .
  9. Hi How to minimize the name size to 7-8 characters which in fusion chart label .label Name will dynamically generate from java file. eg: everest mountain--->everest m ... like this please help me.
  10. reduce the size of label

    Hi How to minimize the name size to 7-8 characters which in fusion chart label .label Name will dynamically generate from java file. eg: everest mountain--->everest m ... like this <categories> <ui:repeat value="#{dashboard.listStats}" var="listname"> <category name='#{listname[0]}'/> /// here i display name dynamically </ui:repeat> </categories> please help me. Balaji