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About mduman

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Hello, no customization is made. I use FusionCharts.js script file which is found in company inventory. But can't attach it beacuse of restriction here that says "Error You aren't permitted to upload this kind of file" File starts like this: /*! * FusionCharts JavaScript Library * Copyright FusionCharts Technologies LLP * @license License Information at <> * * @author FusionCharts * @version 3.2.1-release * * Third-party attributions: * SWFObject v2.2 <> * JSON v2 <> * Firebug Lite 1.3.0 <> * jQuery 1.4.2 <> */ thank you.
  2. Hello, here is the related functions of our class. createChart: function (percentage) { if (_.isUndefined(this.chart)) { this.chart = new FusionCharts({ swfUrl: "/Content/Images/Doughnut2D.swf", id: "mainChartId", width: "180px", height: "180px", bgColor: "e0dfe0", renderAt: "maintest", dataFormat: "json", renderer: "javascript", dataSource: this.createChartData(percentage) }); this.chart.render("maintest"); } }, createChartData: function (percentage) { var animation = "1"; if (percentage < 50) animation = "0"; return { "chart": { "bgColor": "#000000", "bgAlpha": "0", "showBorder": "0", "plotBorderColor": "#FFFFFF", "showpercentagevalues": "0", "showPercentInToolTip": "0", "showToolTip": "0", "showvalues": "0", "showlabels": "0", "showlegend": "0", "enableSmartLabels": "0", "enableRotation" : "1", "radius3D": "0", "pieRadius": "56", "startingAngle": "90", "slicingDistance": "0", "captionPadding": "0", "xAxisNamePadding": "0", "yAxisNamePadding": "0", "yAxisValuesPadding": "0", "labelPadding": "0", "valuePadding": "0", "chartLeftMargin": "0", "chartRightMargin": "0", "chartTopMargin": "0", "chartBottomMargin": "0", "canvasPadding": "0", "animation": animation }, "data": [ { "value": 100 - percentage, "label": "Bos", "color": "E0E0E0" }, { "value": percentage, "label": "Dolu", "color": "FFCE15", "fill": "false" } ] }; },
  3. As I forgot to mention, i want to prevent highlighting (color change on hover).. Can you help me? Thanks
  4. Hello, I am new to fusion charts.. I wanted to get the below design from fusion charts by using javascript rendering. After some work and html tweaks, i used doughnut chart and got this: However there is an issue i could not get manage to solve. When mouse is over dataplots (the yellow and gray slices) they change color and gets highligted as below: Below is the chart configuration i used: "chart": { "bgColor": "#000000", "bgAlpha": "0", "showBorder": "0", "plotBorderColor": "#FFFFFF", "showpercentagevalues": "0", "showPercentInToolTip": "0", "showToolTip": "0", "showvalues": "0", "showlabels": "0", "showlegend": "0", "enableSmartLabels": "0", "enableRotation" : "1", "radius3D": "0", "pieRadius": "56", "startingAngle": "90", "slicingDistance": "0", "captionPadding": "0", "xAxisNamePadding": "0", "yAxisNamePadding": "0", "yAxisValuesPadding": "0", "labelPadding": "0", "valuePadding": "0", "chartLeftMargin": "0", "chartRightMargin": "0", "chartTopMargin": "0", "chartBottomMargin": "0", "canvasPadding": "0", "animation": "0" }