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Everything posted by OSP

  1. Hello, I have started to evaluate Collabion Chart for SP to build up a dashboard showing our KIP's. First idea was to create a chart showing monthly production figures. On the x-axis the chart should show the single months Jan \ Feb \ Mar \ ... \ Dec, on the y-axis I would like to have the volumes. In addition to that I would like to have certain data series to show different years. The view that I'm using is Year, Month_Name, Volume and is punched in as query. My grouping is defined as in the attached DOC. I'm sure it's just a small item that I made wrong so maybe someone has the solution for me. I's also not working when I use the month as a number 1-12 instead the name. Thanks, Oliver attach01.pdf
  2. Ok, but I do not have any SP list in use ?! Data is comming from SQL server connection.
  3. Hello Rahul, now I'm struggling, what do you mean with STP file?
  4. Hello Rahul, thanks but this seems to be a bit strange. As you can see in the attached screenshot there is some data at least in the filter screen. So why not in the grouping screen? Did I miss something? attach_Filter.pdf
  5. Hi, please find both files attached. attach_Preview.pdf attach_xml.pdf