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Everything posted by xENo

  1. Ok, my last post hasn't even had a view in 12 hours... so lets try this again. Is there a way to have the Labels separate from the points plotted in my line graph? I want to show my months... Jan... Feb... Mar... but I may have 5 points on the graph in january and 20 in february... I want the span of time to be present in my graph. Is this possible? Thanks!
  2. Line interpolation?

    Here's my predicament. I'm trying to plot points on a time line, but I need the time line to be correctly spaced. For example: If I have a record on march 14th, march 19th, and march 20th... I need there to be "5 days" of space separating the 14th and 19th, and only one day of space separating the 19th and 20th. When I was using flex charts, I solved this problem by providing empty values for 15, 16, 17, 18 and specifying "interpolateValues" on my line. ( http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/langref/mx/charts/series/LineSeries.html#interpolateValues ) Is there any way to do this or accomplish what I'm trying to accomplish using FusionCharts? I love the charts, but this is a must-have... Thanks!
  3. Line interpolation?

    Finally found it. It's possible. connectNullData='1' as a attribute.