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Everything posted by equilibrium

  1. Pb with positionning chart in div

    Thanks for response. I use renderChart method like I test since I post my question. It works well. Thanks for response.
  2. Hi, You can see my pb on the attached jpg. I highlight lines who generate my positionning problem. But I don't know where does she cames. I already use the same code in anothe page and it works done. Thanks for help. My code below. <?php //Create an XML data document in a string variable $strXML_Act1 = ""; for ($k = 0; $k < $i-1; $k++) { if ($val[$k] != 0) { $strXML_Act1 .= "";} } $strXML_Act1 .= ""; echo renderChartHTML("../FusionWidgets/Charts/Pie3D.swf", "", $strXML_Act1, "monDivAct1", 450, 300, false, false);?>