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About havey

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    Forum Newbie
  1. It seems that no matter what values or attributes i use in the xml, the graphs always add white space to teh bottom of the chart. is this solvable? how does on get rid of the white space at the bottom? XML: <script>function RenderChart15(){var so = new SWFObject("Charts/MSCombi2D.swf", "Chart_", "370", "320", "6.0.65", "#FFFFFF"); var xmlData = " <chart labelPadding='4' canvasPadding='0' xAxisValuesPadding='5' chartTopMargin='5' chartLeftMargin='45' showYAxisValues='1' chartRightMargin='45' caption='Sodium' lineThickness='3' showShadow='1' yAxisMaxValue='-8000.00' plotGradientColor='' palette='1' rotateNames='1' areaOverColumns='0' showLegend='0' borderColor='999999' borderThickness='2' showBorder='1' bgRatio='20' bgAngle='90' bgColor='999999,FFFFFF' canvasBorderThickness='1' showvalues='1' seriesNameInToolTip='1' anchorBgColor='FFFFFF' anchorRadius='5' adjustDiv='' placeValuesInside='0' divLineAlpha='0' lineAlpha='0' slantLabels='1' formatNumberScale='0' decimals='1' forceDecimals='0' anchorAlpha='100' anchorBgAlpha='100' anchorBorderThickness='1' anchorBorderColor='666666' baseFontColor='000000' baseFontSize='10' baseFont='arial'> <categories> <category label='9/20/2006'/><category label='3/19/2007'/><category label='5/9/2008'/></categories> <dataset color='E55B1C' seriesNameInToolTip='1' seriesName='high risk' renderAs='Area' parentYAxis='S' plotBorderColor='FFFFFF' plotBorderThickness='1' showPlotBorder='1' anchorBgColor='FFFFFF'> <set value='-8000.00' /> <set value='-8000.00' /> <set value='-8000.00' /> </dataset> <dataset color='FEDF07' seriesNameInToolTip='1' seriesName='moderate risk' renderAs='Area' parentYAxis='S' plotBorderThickness='1' plotBorderColor='FFFFFF' showPlotBorder='1' anchorBgColor='FFFFFF'> <set value='-5000.00' /> <set value='-5000.00' /> <set value='-5000.00' /> </dataset> <dataset color='7CC156' seriesNameInToolTip='1' seriesName='low risk' renderAs='Area' parentYAxis='S' plotBorderThickness='1' plotBorderColor='FFFFFF' showPlotBorder='1' anchorBgColor='FFFFFF'> <set value='-2400' /> <set value='-2400' /> <set value='-2400' /> </dataset> <dataset color='000000' renderAs='Line'><set value='-'/> <set value='-2700'/><set value='-3000'/> </dataset> <styles><definition><style name='myAnim' type='animation' param='_alpha' start='0' duration='1' /></definition></styles></chart>";
  2. Is it possible to not have the line anchor not start directly on the yAxis and end on teh 2nd yAxis, but rather suggest pixels; having the first point more inside the chart? Thanks
  3. Thanks, maybe this is an aternative: is it possible to create the effect of displaying text "watermark" in the colour area. Thanks
  4. I would like to have the set values from the areas below, as the yaxis values, not to have the numDivLines take presedence. I have set numDivLines='0' and adjustDiv='0' (not sure if i should just exclude them?)How can the yAxis values be set to: yAxisMinValue ='25' yAxisMaxValue='50' AND in between those upper and lower limits, display the Area set values on the yAxis? Thanks in advanced. -Image 1 is what is happening: -Image 2 is what i would like: -3rd: xml Combi2D.xml
  5. remove gradients on area

    found the answer: http://www.fusioncharts.com/forum/Topic10482-28-1.aspx < chart plotGradientColor='' (add)
  6. remove gradients on area

    I can't seem to remove the gradient when renderAs='Area' , combined with using yAxisMaxValue='50' Any suggestions to prevent a gradient on an area? Thanks this is the xml for MSCombi2D.swf: < chartlegendBgColor ='F3F3F3' palette='1' rotateNames="1" areaOverColumns='0' showBorder='1' bgAlpha='3' canvasBorderThickness='1' canvasBorderAlpha='30' canvasPadding='0' caption='Cardio-Pulmonary Fitness' showvalues='0' yAxisValuesPadding='13' showYAxisValues='1' seriesNameInToolTip='1' anchorAlpha='100' anchorBgColor='000000' anchorRadius='4' yAxisMinValue ='25' yAxisMaxValue='50' --> when i add this gradient appears adjustDiv='11' numDivLines='4' placeValuesInside='1' divLineAlpha='0' lineAlpha='100' slantLabels='1' formatNumberScale='1' decimals='1' forceDecimals='1' > < categories>< category label='Nov/06' />< category label='Jun/07' />< category label='Feb/08' /></ categories>< dataset color='0066FF' seriesNameInToolTip='1' seriesName='Excellent' renderAs='Area' parentYAxis='S' showPlotBorder='0'>< set value='50.0' />< set value='50.0' />< set value='50.0' /></ dataset>< dataset color='66CC00' seriesNameInToolTip='1' seriesName='Very Good' renderAs='Area' parentYAxis='S' showPlotBorder='0'>< set value='46.9' />< set value='46.9' />< set value='46.9' /></ dataset>< dataset color='E6E600' seriesNameInToolTip='1' seriesName='Good' renderAs='Area' parentYAxis='S' showPlotBorder='0'>< set value='40.9' />< set value='40.9' />< set value='40.9' /></ dataset>< dataset color='FF9900' seriesNameInToolTip='1' seriesName='Fair' renderAs='Area' parentYAxis='S' showPlotBorder='0'>< set value='35.9' />< set value='35.9' />< set value='35.9' /></ dataset>< dataset color='FF0000' seriesNameInToolTip='1' seriesName='Needs Improvement' renderAs='Area' parentYAxis='S' showPlotBorder='0'>< set value='29.9' />< set value='29.9' />< set value='29.9' /></ dataset>< dataset color='000000' toolTipBgColor='FFFFFF' toolTipBorderColor='000000' showToolTip='1' showValues='1' renderAs='Line' lineThickness='3' seriesName=''>< set value='34.1' />< set value='30.2' />< set value='32.6' /></ dataset>< styles>< definition>< style name='myAnim' type='animation' param='_alpha' start='0' duration='1'/>< style name='myLegendFont' type='font' size='10' color='000000' bold='0' /></ definition>< application>< apply toObject='Legend' styles='myLegendFont' />< apply toObject='Legend' styles='myAnim' /></ application></ styles> </chart>