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Everything posted by Vijay

  1. Hii all... Pls help me..How to create a Dynamic Charts for each row details or in other way, How to create a dynamic Literal in C#,so that charts are created corresponding to the number of rows in table... Thanks in advance
  2. Overlapping labels in Pie chart

    Hi too having the same issue.... Tried some properties of 3Dpie chart found in fusioncharts site...(such as skipOverlapLabels,increased pieRadius values)... But it didnt work.... How to solve this overlapping issue????
  3. In my Bar Chart, as one of my X axis category name having continuous long name,the names are overlapping with all other names resulting in a bad display.... So is there any tag to wrap the name into next line.... strXML = "<graph caption='Vacany Chart' xAxisName='RequisitionTitle' decimalPrecision='0' showNames='1' showValues='1' numberSuffix='' pieSliceDepth='30' formatNumberScale='0'>"; - <categories> <category name="Software Engineer" /> <category name="Financial Manager" /> <category name="nano Programmer" /> <category name="fgfdsgdsfgdsfgsdgsdgsdgdsgsdgdsgdsgdsgdsgdsgsdgdsgdsgdsgsdgdsgsdgdsgsdgdsgdsgdsgdsgdsgdsdsgsdgsdgdsgdsgdsgdsgdsgsdgdsgdsgdsgdsgdfjhg;lghs;lgkhsd;glkhdsf;lghdskgjhdshgfk" /> <category name="Marketing" /> </categories> pls help me to solve this issue.....