In my Bar Chart, as one of my X axis category name having continuous long name,the names are overlapping with all other names resulting in a bad display.... So is there any tag to wrap the name into next line....
strXML =
"<graph caption='Vacany Chart' xAxisName='RequisitionTitle' decimalPrecision='0' showNames='1' showValues='1' numberSuffix='' pieSliceDepth='30' formatNumberScale='0'>";
- <categories>
<category name="Software Engineer" />
<category name="Financial Manager" />
<category name="nano Programmer" />
<category name="fgfdsgdsfgdsfgsdgsdgsdgdsgsdgdsgdsgdsgdsgdsgsdgdsgdsgdsgsdgdsgsdgdsgsdgdsgdsgdsgdsgdsgdsdsgsdgsdgdsgdsgdsgdsgdsgsdgdsgdsgdsgdsgdfjhg;lghs;lgkhsd;glkhdsf;lghdskgjhdshgfk" />
<category name="Marketing" />
pls help me to solve this issue.....