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Everything posted by nbogdanovic

  1. Click to activate and use this control

    I was able to figure this one out. I had to do the following thing in my callback function: // res is just an xml string that my ajax call returns var myChart = new FusionCharts("../Charts/Column3D.swf", "RCP6Months", "700", "200", "0", "0", "1"); myChart.setDataXML(res); myChart.render("myChartDiv");
  2. Click to activate and use this control

    I have the same problem. I had it all working fine but there was a new requirement to load FusionCharts asynchronously (AJAX callback). After I did that RenderChart would not work anymore, but RenderHTMLChart works great. Unfortunately it creates the "Click to activate and use this control" issue. I am not even bothered by this message but what happens is that once a user expends the main menu which goes over a chart, then the charts border becomes rendered over the top of the menu. If I just click a single time on the chart the problem goes away (until I refresh the page again). I spent hours on this issue and I just think we cannot release it to production like that. Thanks.